

GMAT考试 8月13日更新GMAT机经(八).

2017/08/10 15:59:47 编辑: 浏览次数:244 移动端


  阅读中了adam smith和pottery,其余阅读略简,于是未在本人记忆上留下印象。

  数学: 中枪了 被前2题的复杂程度吓的没有把所以可能性列出就随便选了个(用时3分钟/per Q),结果发现到最后题目越来越简单, 时间反而有多6min。结果悲剧了,本以为一战能够上700,看来二站还是必须的。


  Company X wants to decided the most needed improvement for the company, and it asked its employees to rank the given list of possible improvements. The results of survey is that the communication between employee and management is rated the highest. The company X comes out a communication session conducted by high-class management. The session is volunteered. The company has decided that its employees will feel that the company&aposs most needed improvement is solved.

  个人观点 1)The volunteered sessions&aposs engagement is questionable.

  2)Provided list may omits the actual highest needed improvement. e.g. low salary



GMAT考试 8月13日更新GMAT机经(六)

GMAT考试 8月13日更新GMAT机经(五)

GMAT考试 8月13日更新GMAT机经(四)

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