

GMAT考试 8月14日更新GMAT机经(十四).

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  作文:A local bookstore "Food for Thought" is specializing in cooking related books and has an in-store cooking demonstration. The owner recommends that the store offer discounted best sellers (at no profit) to attract even more customers and beat competition because major bookstore chains and Internet store have used the strategy successfully. To offset the cost associated with the deep discount, the author also suggests discontinue the cooking demonstration. As a result, the sales volume and profits will be increased.


  1. A graph represents the number of different apartments (1-bedroom, 2-bd, 3-bd) in 3 buildings, maximum occupancy means there is one more tenant than the number of bedroom(s), e.g. a 1-bd with max occupancy has 2 tenants. Q1 asks which building has the most tenants (sth. like that); Q2 asks which building has the largest proportion of tenants living in 3-bd apartments assuming max occupancy.

  2. 有道有图有段落3个tab的那种,讲3中方法淡化地下水。因为地下水很咸,容易破坏农田。有题问淡化那些水的好处,我就答对农田有好处云云。还有问三种情况,哪种淡化访法合适(有关energy use, operating cost etc.)

  2. A bar chart shows 12 stores with their revenues and the x-axis is # of employees. Q1 asks which store has the largest revenue per additional employee; Q2 asks which store has the largest revenue per employee.

  还有jj有的dance program helps students&apos sense of balance

  数学:有四五到jj里的,100th terms with digit 2, what&aposs the tens digit of the first 40 terms of a series( 1, 11, 111, 11111...)


  ds: 25 students, 2 programs, 80% has joined exactly one program, how many has at least one program. 1) 8% has neither 2) 12% has both. D


  阅读:1.research on chinese immigrants experience in US (letter is more important blah blah) 有问historian如果用了letter就会怎么样,我答就不会对social & economic factors 有兴趣

  2. futures contract, 第一段讲概念,第二段讲commodity market的应用,第三段讲housing market不好用。因为是笔者本行,偷笑了一下,结果问题还是很饶,千万不能代入主观idea。有问主旨,有问为什么不合适housing,有问author might agree ....


  2. 说卡车运货,运1000 units货跟500units用一样油啥的,所以每趟运动的越多,单位unit cost越小。问削弱。我猜的:如果摇匀1100Units,也还是要分两次,fixed cost要被550units分,大概这样。不确定。

  语法: 有题我最怕的:600 person blah blah, (画线)double that last year(画线)。选项有double the number of last year, two times those ..., twice the number...只能make a best guess了。




GMAT考试 8月14日更新GMAT机经(十二)

GMAT考试 8月14日更新GMAT机经(十一)

GMAT考试 8月14日更新GMAT机经(十)

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