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在town A,过去两年中,新建的theater,piazza-house,还有一个休闲中心都获得了business increases。所以作者建议某某capital firm在town B建立类似的theater,piazza-house及类似的休闲中心,这样就可以获得business increase。另外,他还建议一个special program:三种business捆绑销售,任何客户在其中两个地方消费,在第三个地方就可以获得discount。这样可客户就更有 motivation来进行消费,因此这三个地方的profitablity都会增长,capital firm的return也会最大化。
1. all things stay the same. 两年前的情况可能以后不同。比如Town A的business increase可能是两年前全国经济大涨导致的,但是两年后,经济危机说不定就来。
2. Town A,B are comparable in all aspects. A,B虽然类似,但是说不定有vast differences, such as population size, demographic structure, consumption level and prerences of local residents
3. 认为sales增长,profit就增长。捆绑销售虽然会带来sales提升,但是如果这样导致成本也大幅度上升的话,profit未必上升。
- 农夫鸡蛋问题,这个比较简单,直接看图和问题就可以了。我当时还花时间读了一下题,有点浪费时间
- 一个表格题,表格分4列,14行(13个学生加最后一行average)。内容为以下四列:
student name,examination score, rank, errors in the final performance(不是很确定)
好像是一个题目,对三个小问题进行true / false 判断。
1) 如果examinatio score: average(最后一行)的值四舍五入,是不是和median的值一样。这个记得是true,按照examination score排个序就出来了。
3)rank都是2的学生(只有两个)的median值是否大于the median of any other .记得这里小心,是any other。选的的时候要把两个rank为2的学生踢出。
- R(X)= X除以X各位值之和的余数。59
- 有一个图,里面有折线,也有scatter plot。说的是什么2012年1月,2月及2011年11月12月之间数据的关系。我文字读了三遍,图硬是没看明白,就放弃,随便选了。
- 三个城市的最高温度变化图, 两小题,很简单,JJ里有。第二小题是说哪个城市最高温变化幅度最大,记得是Z,虚线的,注意它的最高峰值在最左边靠近Y轴的地方。不要给看漏了。
-有图,分析1965年到2007(每隔五年)年每月的宇宙碎片数量增长图的 每个月一个结点 纵坐标从0开始2000一个区间
A) 平均每隔月的增长,选2007年的那个峰值,然后除以(年份*12),记得答案算出来18.22,接近于18
B) 那个五年增长百分比最高。1965开始的第一个五年,因为基数基本为0.
- 一个boldface题。跟交通相关。专家说:目前很多人认为交通堵塞问题是某某原因造成,事实上问题是因为路上有很多路口可以转弯的造成。 然后提出了一个建议,好像是减少转弯的地方,然后进一步指出减少转弯的话车辆的总体速度会变快。 然后问两个黑脸的作用。第一个好像是用来argue against 一个大家普遍认为的原因;第二个是用来support专家的观点。
- 两段文字,都是关于测量,字数比较多:
A说是用一个热量测量器(似乎是thermal 类似的一个词)测东西。使用这个玩意要一堆条件:要放在open-clearing的地方;至少离阻碍物100feet;距离obstacle至少要obstacle高度的四倍。等等
B说是rain guage,也是说了一堆条件:不能放在wide open place;。。。其他记不得了
我选了一个在open space测什么东西,满足A不满足B;还有一个选了在距离courtyard 75ft的地方测,满足B不满足A。 第一个比较确定,第二个不确定,建议大家好好读一下。这题其实不难。
- 最后一题多源推理,基本迅速扫过。记不大清了,讲的是关于企业管理层和员工忠诚度的问题。其中有几个词,fairness及员工的 elevation,altruism(利他主义)。有一张图是将manager对员工fairness的值与elevation的关系。有 high,low两条线,但是呈现的趋势都是fairnes越高,员工的elevation也越高。
- PS 一组人里面选2个组成跳舞代表。一共有120中不同选择,请问这组人有多少。
= 120 ,算出来为16.
- DS: X除以8的余数是多少
1) X除以12余5
- DS:生产某种东西的成本为C(x),x为这种东西的数量. C(x)= ax^2+bx+1000;求a的值
1) 生产500个,总成本为某个值
2) 生产1000个,生产成本为生产500个的2倍。
后来仔细看了一下,根据条件2) a*1000^2+b*1000+1000 = 2a*500^2+b*500*2+2000;
- DS ,给一个表。简单表示如下。
Probability X0.125XX
1) P(0) + P(1) + P(2) = 0.775
2) p(2) + P(>=3) = 0.125
这题主要是考一个隐藏概念, P(0) + P(1) + P(2) + P(>=3) = 1;
记得一题: the sculptures created by someone in the late 60’s can distinguish from others
Someone’s sculptors from the late 60’s are distinguishable …
- 关于《P民族》,jj中有,就不再重复了。
- 关于galaxy测量,jj中也提到。这篇是撸主最后一篇,做的有点赶,就不误导大家了。三道题,应该不难。有一到主旨题。
- 一篇短文,讲根据某经济学原理, 市场价格能反应一切经济状况。除非极端shock的情况,价格的大变化不会发生。认为一个市场内部本身不会发什么大的经济波动。
- 然后behaviorist 就dispute这个理论,说在现实生活中,其实有很多非理性的心里行为导致了各种各样的情况存在。举例说明:在试验中,两组人,一组给他们听enthusiastic news,另一组给他们听比较negative news。 结果听好消息的那组,更倾向于take risk,进行有风险的投资。在现实时间中,人们容易跟风。听到什么有煽动性的消息,大家都跟进买入。然后说明,这种跟风的习惯其实是源自于我们的祖先。那个时候人类只有随大众,保持一个group的cohesion。 但是,人们这种跟风的行为其实容易导致投资风险,最终造成economic bubble burst.
Q1. 主旨题
我选的dispute a common economic theory
Q2. 举那个实验为例的目的
Q3:according to the article, the author will most agree with.
说实话,这题选项读的不是很明白。但是在第一段,最后写到In theory, something balabala doesn’t beget … ,接下来一段其实是在反驳。
所以我选的那个选项就是: something will beget… 似乎是A。
- 关于美国企业慈善(philanthropy)及企业经营策略。比较长,好像分了四段,但是其实文章不难。
1) 第一段讲downsizing导致美国企业很郁闷。在做慈善的同时却不得不lay off员工。后来manager就调整企业策略,把公司慈善事业和business unit紧密结合起来,而非让慈善事业仅仅只是花钱。
Downsizing has transformed the management of corporate philanthropy in the United States. Forced to explain why businesses should give away money while laying off workers, contributions managers at hundreds of companies, including AT&T, IBM, and Levi Strauss, have come up with an approach that ties corporate giving directly to strategy. In those and other companies, philanthropic and business units have joined forces to develop giving strategies that increase their name recognition among consumers, boost employee productivity, reduce R&D costs, overcome regulatory obstacles, and foster synergy among business units. In short, the strategic use of philanthropy has begun to give companies a powerful competitive edge.
The outcome of this new model is not, as many had feared, an array of programs that benit only business. True, there is no shortage of self-serving philanthropic initiatives that lend themselves to photo opportunities without fecting real change. But the new paradigm encourages corporations to play a leadership role in social problem solving by funding long-term initiatives, like school rorm and AIDS awareness, that incorporate the best thinking of governments and nonprofit institutions. (See the insert “How Corporate Philanthropy Promotes Causes.”) For the first time, businesses are backing philanthropic initiatives with real corporate muscle. In addition to cash, they are providing nonprofits with managerial advice, technological and communications support, and teams of employee volunteers. And they are funding those initiatives not only from philanthropy budgets but also from business units, such as marketing and human resources. In the process, companies are forming strategic alliances with nonprofits and emerging as important partners in movements for social change while advancing their business goals.
How Corporate Philanthropy Promotes Causes
In other words, these companies have become corporate citizens. Like citizens in the classical sense, corporate citizens cultivate a broad view of their own self-interest while instinctively searching for ways to align self-interest with the larger good. That is, they hunt for a reconciliation of their companies’ profit-making strategies with the welfare of society, and they search for ways to steer all parts of the company on a socially engaged course. So far, philanthropy programs have been overhauled along these lines in many large corporations, such as Eastman Kodak, Allstate, Chrysler, Whirlpool, Citicorp, Reebok, Johnson & Johnson, Philip Morris, Merck, DuPont, and Coca-Cola, to name just a few.
Already powerful in the United States, corporate citizenship promises to bring even more success to U.S. companies internationally, particularly in emerging markets like Taiwan, Brazil, and Hungary. In such countries, which are still uncluttered by social initiatives, even small well-conceived grant programs can have a large impact. Given their experience with strategic philanthropy at home, U.S. companies are in the best position to reap the rewards abroad. But they may be sabotaging their own position. Noting that U.S. businesses donate more than their foreign rivals, many CEOs are cutting their philanthropy budgets and downgrading their staffs just as their companies are about to export philanthropy to overseas subsidiaries. Thus, non-U.S. companies may ultimately gain the competitive edge. Japan is already studying the new paradigm of corporate philanthropy, and Korea and Taiwan are taking good notes. U.S. companies must act now or risk missing out on the benits of the model they developed.
Q1:美国公司为什么要把慈善工作和公司的business unit合并。
Q2:根据corporate citizen的定义,以下哪一个是corporate citizen。
A: a company leads the nation to expand the abroad market
B: a company improves its image in a way that contributes to a charitable cause
确定应该选provide more varied supports to none-profit as they did bore
O4: 划黄线部分,作者意味着什么
确定选 some American CEOs are shortsighted…
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲