

GMAT考试 9月21日更新GMAT机经(七).

刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:198 移动端



  AA:题目大概是讲:Given that most customers choose to shop in local grocery stores instead of the national, chain MarketCo, the assistant of the marketing director of MarketCo company writes a letter to the director recommending that the company shift half of its national advertising budget to fund local community projects in order to be more competitive in the community and capture customers. The assistant rers to a marketing research that customers have developed loyalties to these local grocery stores and comes up with this method to engage more in the community projects to win customers. I attack the argument according to 3 ways: 1) the research may not be so reliable, the sample could be not representative enough to support this solution; 2) There are other factors contribute to the local grocery stores&apos popularity; 3) There may be better alternatives to solve this problem.


  IR: 1) 有个4家店买个device,然后搞了个维恩图一样的东西分析产品的相同点和不同点,有4个usb插口,8、4GB, back up,wireless limitation之类的,题目有点绕,2题,有一个好像是问选择某个产品的考虑因素,除了4个USB插口外是哪个?简单的,所以大家不用担心


  3)关于有个物种减少的原因,BCE分别发表看法,B大概是受环境影响导致基因变化,C忘了。。。E的观点包含了以上两个,所以问BE,CE common的观点,不难,读题就好了


  有题是:q,m,k are all integers and all greater than 1, what&aposs the sum of qmk?

  1) m+k=3?

  2) qmk=30

  答案选B, 因为不管怎么分配都是2,3,5,和一样


  语法考到了很多平行和比较,还有accompanied with结构,主语应该是前面部分

  阅读考了欧洲人和native americans的皮草,金属交换,这个jj上很详细了;还有一篇new management,感觉jj上只是一笔带过,我详细讲下:

  一共一屏半,挺长的,但不难读, 主要内容是新管理方式注重放权,让更多的人参与决策管理,更多信息流分享,忘了是4还是5段, 因为中英夹杂的打字太麻烦了,还是打英文吧,希望大家不要介意。

  The first para is a basic introduction about the emergence of new management, there is no question based on this, so i can hardly remember anything about it.

  The second para talks about collaborate among all employees across the company and share information in all hierarchies. The company may want to include customers as well as suppliers into the decision making process and share information between internal and the external environment. In this case, outside information and roles can influence the decision making inside the company. QUESTION HERE!

  The third para talks about the strategy of mangers. The success of managers may more depend on the number of informal networkings they are involved in because they can get more informal backups while working. The author gives an example here explaining about this change. QUESTION!

  The forth...记不起来了。。。貌似是总结结尾,应该没有题目在这儿。。。。昨晚上躺床上还想了一遍,想明天好给大家放狗的。。。真对不起大家。。。

  哦,记起来一个,the first question asks about the author&aposs attitude towards this new management, A: skeptical B: descriptive? C:theoretical. D: ? E: analytical, LZ 选E


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