


2017/08/10 15:29:19 编辑: 浏览次数:204 移动端

  GMAT阅读机经的重要性毋庸置疑,如果我们能够在考前看了一定数量的GMAT阅读机经,而在考试中能够遇到一篇两篇的无疑很好,即使不遇到在看了大 量的GMAT阅读机经,也往往有助于考生取得好成绩。以上就是一篇关于亚当斯密国富论的GMAT阅读机经,希望可以帮到大家。


  反驳亚当斯密的self-interest dominant理论

  二、 段落大意

  P1: 亚当斯密在国富论中把人类商业交易描述为"truck, barter, exchange",这是commerce的基础,也体现了self-interest dominant。说他这个流派的理论说人性自私什么的,blablablah,造成了大家的观点是在18世纪的英国,自私自利的风气如何损害了community的利益。所以在此基础上,一些historian提出这样的commerce会使community中的人分散,因为大家都只考虑自己。亚当斯密国富论说人性自私,一些经济学家受他理论影响(这里有题),所以商业关系中人与人之间是为一己之私的。

  P2: However,这个理论在现在已经不适用了。因为community的language(有题,我说一点,我觉得这个language大概是措辞的意思,就是说那些historian用self-interest dominant形容commerce,但是真正community中的人使用其他词语)与historian不同,community 在commerce中用credit,trust等等。但是呢后来的研究人却忽视了以前businessman对语言的运用,他们在语言运用中体现了credit,loyalty,trust等等。这些交易非但没有损害community的利益,反而使他们之间bond的更紧密。忽视了人们真正在商业中使用的方式,忽视了那个时期对诚实,信用等的各种语言描述。现在商人之间使用一种language来促进他们之间的交易。其实大家还是依靠信任和诚信来做生意的。支持商业关系不是自私的。


  Q1. 有主旨题(本月)

  A. 一个theory in human nature什么的。

  B. 对Adam Smith的理论提出异议

  C. reconsider XX理论什么的

  D. 一个对现在经济有影响的理论。(雪菲目测为干扰选项)


  Q2. 亚当斯密一题问引用barter truck and exchange的目的是什么?(前一句還是後一句能找到答案了)(本月750狗主确认,可以秒选)

  目的应该是表明商业关系中人与人之间是为一己之私/选有self interest的那个选项

  Q3. 有问London 什么Market的作用

  Q4. 后来的学者受到Adam Smith的影响,会忽略什么?/当时亚当斯密的观点盛行忽略了什么?(本月)

  忽略当时人们dealing with business所使用的language. (本月750狗主确认选language一项)




  Adam Smith: The Wealth of Nations (wiki background info)

  his oft quoted passage describes the unintentional consequences that come from individuals&apos pursuit their "own gain" and security. Smith argued people prer local industry and are biased against international trade. Ideally, he saw economics as characterized by small local economies interacting with each other and guided by the enlightened self-interest of individuals. This was a reaction against the practices of early transnational corporations (for example: the British East India Company and Muscovy Company) which were mostly unresponsive to the local affairs of people and the stewardship of resources. Though the argument is frequently, and incorrectly, used to justify freetrade policies, The Wealth of Nations was a rebuttal to the scale and fects of chartered monopoly. By positing - now famously - that "self-interest" promotes more just societies, he was prescribing to economies already heavily tilted against individual human agency. For instance, American colonists were permitted to grow cotton but not to manufacture it. The cotton was shipped to England for processing, then purchased back as clothing. Smith felt opposing large multinational corporations (and the governments that support them), allowed individuals to direct industry "in such a manner as its produce may be of the greatest value." This value comes from the individual&aposs self-interest and leads to an result that is "no part of his intention."


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