


2017/08/10 15:24:38 编辑: 浏览次数:71 移动端



  有一种类型的穿山甲(pangolin)是有毒的,是一种外来入侵的品种(也就是non-native的 species),很多当地当的生物都(predator)捕食穿山甲,猜测估计是因为这个有毒的穿山甲找的跟没毒的一样,所以很多当地物种都误食了有毒的穿山甲然后就死翘翘了,其中最vulnerable(易受到伤害的)是Common P

  这种Common P 经常死不悔改,吃穿山甲的幼虫,最后就死翘翘了,科学家一开始还担心P会灭亡,后来可能做了个实验,发现有些P渐渐的学会了不去碰这种有毒的穿山甲了,而且发现在Q区(猜测Queensland),P和有毒的穿山甲能够协调共生,证明P通过不断淘汰已经锻炼出了精钢不坏之身,然后避免误食这种穿山甲的能力了


  也是说一个野生动物有毒的(好像是蟾蜍 cane toads),被迁移到另一个地方之后会对当地的某种捕食者有毒害作用,(因为这种捕食者的食物和这种有毒的野生动物长得很像),科学家假设,这种捕食者会因此数量下降,因为有些native的捕食者确实被毒死了,但是研究发现大多数存活下来的捕食者很快就不去捕食这种有毒动物了。而且,在某一个地区,在迁移这种有毒物种后,当地的捕食者的数量没有减少,这更支持了这种捕食者可以适应这种有毒物种的假设,但是这种过于乐观的估计是建立在捕食者的这种avoidance会在长期内保持的假设上的(即捕食者不会一段时间后又去吃这种生物,也就是好了伤疤忘了疼)


  第一段: Alien species are introduced to Australia, however cane toads are toxic.Some scientists suggest that cane toads may influence almost all the native creature, which predate on the creature share the similar appearance with cane toads. Scientists worried that almost all native creatures do not have a adverse instinct to the cane toads. Then the native Scientists consider a possible native creature (A) that is vulnerable to the cane toads may diminish the number of this native creature. Then someone gonna make a research on the A&aposs respond to the cane toads.

  第二段: However, scientists discovered that only naive (not immature ...) A will predate on the B, and among the A survived after predating on junior cane toads, they avoid to predating on cane toads again. In addition, data show that, in Queensland, A and cane toads have coexist for a long period, but the A still live on the Queensland, proving that the native predator can adapt to cane toads. However the conclusion based on the assumption that ...  在这篇关于用letter研究中国移民的GMAT阅读机经,给出了文章的主旨,篇章结构,段落大意以及相关题目,考生可以有选择的看看,最后祝大家都能考出好成绩。


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