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  The following appeared in the editorial section of a West Cambria newspaper:

  “A recent review of the West Cambria volunteer ambulance service revealed a longer average response time to accidents than was reported by a commercial ambulance squad located in East Cambria. In order to provide better patient care for accident victims and to raise revenue for our town by collecting service fees for ambulance use, we should disband our volunteer service and hire a commercial ambulance service.”

  “最近针对West Cambria义务救护队的一篇评论指出,该救护车对意外事故的平均反映时间比East Cambria的商业救护车要长。为了向事故伤员提供更好的护理,并通过收取救护费来提高本镇的收入,我们应该解散义务救护队并聘用商业救护队。”





  3.外除非商业班收十分昂贵的服务费用或者有十分多的事故事实这些都是不可能的, 改成商业是不见得就可以给该镇增加很多税收的.所以把这一点作为理由是不正确的.


  In this argument the author concludes that West Cambria can increase revenues and provide better care to accident victims by disbanding the volunteer ambulance service and hiring a commercial one. The author reasons that this change would yield additional revenues because service fees could be imposed for ambulance use. The author also reasons that the city would provide better service to accident victims because a commercial service would respond more quickly to accidents than a volunteer service would. The author’s argument is flawed in two respects.

  To begin with, the author’s plan for raising revenue for West Cambria is questionable. Unless the service fees are considerable or the accident rate is extremely high, it is unlikely that significant revenues will be raised by charging a fee for ambulance use. Consequently, revenue generation is not a good reason to disband the volunteer service and hire a commercial service.

  Next, the author’s beli that better patient care would be provided by a commercial ambulance service than by a volunteer service is based on insufficient evidence. The fact that the commercial service in East Cambria has a lower average response time than the volunteer service in West Cambria is insufficient evidence for the claim that this will be the case for all commercial services. Moreover, the author’s recommendation depends upon the assumption that response time to an accident is the only factor that influences patient care. Other pertinent factors—such as ambulance-crew proficiency and training, and emergency equipment—are not considered.

  In conclusion, this argument is unconvincing. To strengthen the argument the author would have to show that substantial revenue for the town could be raised by charging service fees for ambulance use. Additionally, the author would have to provide more evidence to support the claim that commercial ambulance services provide better patient care than volunteer services.


  从逻辑上看,范文攻击了两点:第一,商业化并不代表可以增加收入。第二,没有证据表明商业化可以带来更好的病患护理。这一点包含两层:第一,仅反应时间一个指标不足以说明病患护理好,除服其他情况都一样(这里可以考虑的是护理时候的质量等)。第二,适用于东部的不一定适用于西部(false analogy)。当然,除此之外,我们还可以针对反应时间提出疑问,会不会是因为西部地域比东部大所以导致反应时间更长?留意第三段的写法,这个结构写insufficient evidence 比较清晰。


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