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  Ø 介词平行结构

  1. XX reduced by…, by…, and by…

  2. 介词在后则注意介词需前后对应:both in…and in…

  介词在前也要注意后面内容是否对应:in both…and…

  3.介词短语不是全部都必须一样:leave the money in the drawer and on the table

  Ø 注意并列的内容平行

  1. 动词:both exceeded…and ran….(注意时态)

  2. to do形式:to suspend…, notify…, and say….

  to suspend…, to notify…, and to say…

  V-ing形式:…lt quickly, shunning fans and ducking into a car.

  3. 从句:which has been thawed…and which is still…

  4. 名词:

  1) 具体名词只能与具体名词平行;

  2) 抽象名词与抽象名词平行,也可以与complex gerund phrases平行,但不能simple gerund phrases与平行;

  3) Simple gerund phrases are Never Parallel to Complex gerund phrases.

  例:I enjoyed drinking the water and the wine tasting.

  解析:错误。因为drinking the water是simple gerund phrase,并非名词,只表示动作,而the wine tasting是complex gerund phrase,即ing形式的名词(如marathon running或者the running of marathons)

  应改成:I enjoyed drinking the water and tasting the wine.

  5.形容词:The park was neither accessible nor affordable.

  Ø 关于because

  1. because后接句子;

  2. because of通常接简单的名词,不接句子。若是出现because of sb’s doing一定要改成because;

  3. because平行


  Retailers reported moderate gains in their November sales, as much because of their sales of a year earlier being so bad as that shoppers were getting a head start on buying their holiday gifts.

  A. of their sales of a year earlier being so bad as that

  B. of their sales a year earlier having been as bad as because

  C. of their sales a year earlier being as bad as because

  D. their sales a year earlier had been so bad as because

  E. their sales of a year earlier were as bad as that

  (答案:D as much…as…搭配正确;as much because…as because…平行。)

  Ø 关于or:either…or…/neither…nor… (参考1月JJ整理)

  1. 注意就近修饰原则,谓语动词与or/nor后的名词单复数一致。

  例:Neither the players nor the coach IS going to the beach.

  Neither the coach nor the players ARE going to the beach.

  2. 当neither/either 单独出现(没有nor/or),谓语动词用单数。

  They neither IS…

  Ø as ……as的平行


  v as much/many…as…

  1. 可数名词:many、fewer、few、number

  2. 不可数名词:much、less、little、amount

  例:Experts estimate that ten times as much petroleum exists in such sources as tar sands, heavy oil, and perhaps even shale as conventional reservoirs.

  v as…as…(第一个as后面跟adj或adv,第二个as可以跟名词、短语或从句)

  1) They are as hungry as you.

  2) They are as hungry as you are.

  3) They are as hungry as they were last night.

  v 倍数的表达:如twice(荔枝妹经常做错这类型的题 所以稍微补充一下 )

  1. twice as +adj./adv +as…(注意修饰的名词是否可数)

  如twice as much/many as…

  2. twice可直接跟名词(也可为代词,如that)

  3. twice+what从句

  4. twice +adj.+than… (adj要比较级,如twice more than)

  Ø not only…but also (参考一月JJ总结整理&皮皮总结)

  1. not only…but (also)… 表示的关系是递进,其中also可以省略。单独出现but also,表转折。

  2. 正常语序中,not only…but (also)…连接两个相对称的并列成分,要注意平行,主语与谓语单复数一致。

  3. 连接两个主语时,谓语动词要和与其最近的主语保持人称和数的一致。

  例Not only the students but also their teacher is enjoying the film.

  4. 当not only…but also…连接两个分句且not only提在句首时,not only引导的句子倒装,里面的每一个动词都要部分倒装,而but also分句不受影响;

  另外,倒装的时候,but also中间有时会加一个主语,是可以对的。

  Not only does the sun give us light, but also it gives us heat.

  Not only did he speak English correctly, but he also speaks it fluently.

  5. 特别提醒:留意句子逻辑意思,区分句子是否真的需要not only but also表递进。同时同一个分句里面若同时有also和as well,意义重复,不正确。



  分类Prep 08语法笔记正确句子

  Not only……but……also

  205. (T-9-Q15) The commission’s office of compliance, inspections, and investigations plans to intensify its scrutiny of stock analysts to investigate not only whether research is an independent function at brokerage firms, but also whether conflicts result when analysts own the stocks they write about or when they are paid for their work by a firm’s investment banking division.

  as…..as…… 正确句子

  196. (GWD-1-Q41) Leaching, the recovery of copper from the drainage water of mines, was a well-established method of mineral extraction as early as the eighteenth century, but until about 25 years ago miners did not realize that bacteria take an active part in the process.

  225. (GWD-3-Q39) Minivans carry as many as seven passengers, and compared with sport utility vehicles, most cost less, get better gas mileage, allow passengers to get in and out more easily, and have a smoother, more car-like ride.

  175. Experts estimate that ten times as much petroleum exists in such sources as tar sands, heavy oil, and perhaps even shale as conventional reservoirs.

  204. (T-9-Q16) The nineteenth-century chemist Humphry Davy presented the results of his early experiments in his “Essay on Heat and Light,” a critique of all chemistry since Robert Boyle as well as a vision of a new chemistry that Davy hoped to found.




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