

GMAT作文机经整理:小城市Market公司举措 提高customer loyalty.

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  这是一个由某大型supermarket chain的assistant marketing director向director写的MEMO.内容是:

  我们在smaller franchise cities的supermarket销量不足. 经过research,发现是由于customers tend to shop at the local grocery stores. 我们推测这是由于这些local stores多年以来develop了customer loyalty. 如果我们想要变强,就要开始develop我们自己的customer loyalty. 我建议, 拿出公司national wide annual advertisement budget的一半,来投入这些smaller franchise cities的supermarket, 从而develop customer loyalty. 具体的举措就是:增加我们在local community的investment projects. 举例:Local soccer club, soccer field, kids camp, etc. 这样一来,我们的customer loyalty就会增长, 然后我们就可以赢过competitors了.


  MaxxxCo&aposs marketing director did research and suggest to its marketing 首脑 that their franchise in small cities gain less loyalty from local shoppers. Local people prer to shop at local small stores even the MaxxCo&aposs grocery store offer better price and better products. In order to gain profits/loyalty from local people, they should shift half of its advertising budget into local community service, such as sports..., arts museum ..., and schools.... In this way they could contribute to the company&aposs revenue share and industry growing.


  1. False Casual relationship: 忽略了其他因素,比如交通;做广告也许效果比develop consumer loyalty项目的效果更好,建操场之类顾客不一定买账

  2. All things are equal

  3. Either or choice: 不是唯一的解决办法,可以采用促销兼捆绑销售的办法提高顾客忠诚度

  4. Loyalty 和消费选择的关系===没有详细论据

  5.去搞当地建设不一定可以seen as a local

  6. 就算seen as a local也不一定提高消费


  8. National advertising budget 和 smaller cities franchise supermarket 之间是不是有冲突。即是不是没有每个small city franchise supermarket 自己本身就是有自己预算,不能和national advertising budget混合在一起。

  9. 将资金投入在soccer club and soccer fields 这些方面,到底是怎么投入的?投入的方式不同会有不同的效果?不是所有投入方式都可以增加顾客的忠诚度的。

  以上就是关于小城市Market公司举措 提高customer loyalty的GMAT作文机经的相关介绍,考生朋友可以有选择的选用,最后祝大家都能考出好成绩。

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