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4月5日GMAT换库后,小编为大家收集整理4月份的GMAT阅读机经,这篇是关于Anagan BY印巴女作家的文章,分享给大家,希望对大家有所帮助,仅供参考。
V1有个讲到了agan (具体名字忘了)这个作品,说它政治角度上重要因为跟女权有关吧,更重要的是文学价值,然后举例。。第二段介绍了作品讲了什么内容, 第三段讲了作品结合了两个文学手段,第四段说欧洲其他作者的风格跟这个agan 的作者的风格相近,有可能是巧合也有可能是受这个agan 作者的影响。
P2 讨论了该作品的背景和内容,Set in British India and moving in to post independence Pakistan, Aangan is the story of dystrophic home where the battles of the world are played out…它所描述的政治都只是为它的故事做背景,它的作者并没有偏向哪一方、没有明显政治目的。
P3 讨论了该女作家的写法:说女作家appropriates and subverts采用了两种写作手法,一种是traditional的写法,还有种是narrative的独特手法。作者从一个带有anger的女子的角度出发来叙述她身边的人和事情,从而透露出那个时代的特点之类。
P4这部作品的作者和Emily Bronte她们这些著名的女权作家比较。到底是这些女作家影响了anagan这部作品,还是她们的作品只是一个巧合,这是一个moot question.
moot 英[muːt] 美[mut]
adj. 无实际意义的;未决议的
vt. 提出…供讨论
n. 大会;辩论会;假设案件
[səb&aposvə:t, sʌb-]
vt. 颠覆;推翻;破坏
V2根据上下文应该推断是改良一类的意思吧,答案选的是那个adapt 什么的
V2 选是浓缩反映了社会背景
V2选那个作者不确定这个author和England 的author写作风格相似是因为有意的借鉴还是coincidence。
Inner Courtyard (Aangan) : A Novel/Khadija Mastur. New Delhi, Kali for Women, 2001, 274 p., ISBN 81-86706-45-8.
Inner Courtyard or Aangan, Khadija Mastur’s first published novel, written in 1952 over eight months, is Mastur’s best loved and most acclaimed fiction. Book Description "Narrated in the intimate anger of a young woman’s journal-keeping voice this novel explores the politics of sex and class through the lives of women compelled to live their lives in the seclusion of the inner courtyard or aangan. Set in British India and moving in to post independence Pakistan, Aangan is the story of dystrophic home where the battles of the world are played out. Based on the of women’s lives, the inner courtyard, it explores real politick through the diverse political affiliations of the members of one family. That it does so without espousing (支持,赞成)any one shade of opinion makes Aangan a politically sensitive and not a political novel (即提出了很多政治因素,观点,但是作者的态度是很中立的,没有评价和表态这些观点). Khadija Mastur deals with the theme of the Freedom Movement, not from the perspective of men but from the point of view of the women whose lives were changed radically by the decisions made by men in the public arena. It is a powerful novel built around female protagonists (主角)and the ways in which they mediate their space in society while condemned to the enclosed world of the inner courtyard, enmeshed in (使陷入)and sustained by strong familial ties and age-old customs.
About the Author Khadija Mastur (1927-1982) was a member of the Progressive Writers&apos Association, formed by a group of lt-leaning intellectuals in 1935. She wrote several collections of short stories and two novels. Khadija Mastur was born in 1927 in Lucknow and grew up in a family that valued learning, reading and political dialogue. Mastur and her younger sister Hajira Masroor, worked actively for the Muslim League in 1946, and a year later, when Partition came along, her family migrated to Lahore, Pakistan. Khadija Mastur wrote in a simple but eloquent style. She is the author of several collections of short stories and two novels, Aangan (The Courtyard) and Zamin (Earth). She was posthumously honored with the Baba-e-Urdu, Dr. Abdul Haq Award for her collection of short stories Thanda Meetha Pani (Cold, Sweet Water).
以上就是关于Anagan BY印巴女作家的GMAT阅读机经的全部内容,考生朋友可以有选择的看看,最后需要提醒各位的是,机经虽然会对我们解题有所帮助,但是在考场中即使题目很像也要避免秒选,最后祝大家都能考出好成绩。
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲