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  4月5日GMAT换库后,小编为大家整理本月的GMAT 语法机经,分享给大家,希望对大家有所帮助,文中观点仅供参考。

  ( rayflow) Observerd from the train window,........


  an object move at a higher speed than XXX do

  object&aposs speeds is higher than those of XXX

  我选前者, 感觉speed做主语应该是不能被observe的。。。

  19.2(glemonxyy)viewing from.. (the speed with which near objects move seems to be faster than that of ) distant objects.


  其他几个选项:the speed of near objects seems to be faster than for

  the speed of near object seems faster than... (than后面还有没有了,记不清了)

  near object&aposs speed seems to be faster than...

  near object&aposs speed seems to be faster...

  最后两个没看,觉得既然主语都是speed,而且没划线的部分是distant objects,考虑到平行式两边的格式最好对称,所以估计第一个主语应该也是speed of near objects.

  比较犹豫的是狗主觉得speed of ..说法比较好,但是than后面没有其他词了,这样会不会变成了speed与object比较。所以最后选的(a)

  (from prep 2008 语法笔记)

  OG-492. Los Angeles than does any other large city.

  有人问为什么不选(D) higher numbers of family dwellings per capita than do other large cities.

  ETS: the plural numbers is incorrect in that there is only a single number of such dwellings. 这题是什么时候用单数,什么时候用复数 number 的好例证:ETS 的意思是,因为人均住房面积只 用一个数值就可以表示了,例如 20 平方米/人,即 number 就是这个数,所以 number 和对应谓语 动词都用单数。另外,比较级 higher 表示将 LA 的 number 和其他城市相应的 number 相比:one number is larger/greater/higher than the other number.

  OG10-19. In addition to having more protein than wheat does, the protein in rice is higher quality than that in wheat, with more of the amino acids essential to the human diet.

  (A) the protein in rice is higher quality than that in

  (B) rice has protein of higher quality than that in

  (C) the protein in rice is higher in quality than it is in

  (D) rice protein is higher in quality than it is in

  (E) rice has a protein higher in quality than


  In this sentence, the initial clause modifies the nearest noun, identifying it as the thing being compared with wheat. By making protein the noun modified, choices A, C, and D illogically compare wheat with protein(是指 In addition to having more protein than wheat does 这个从句里面) and claim that the protein in rice has more protein than wheat does. In C and D, the comparative structure higher in quality than it is in wheat absurdly suggests that rice protein contains wheat. B, the best choice, logically compares wheat to rice by placing the noun rice immediately after the initial clause. B also uses that to rer to protein in making the comparison between the proteins of rice and wheat. Choice E needs either that in or does after wheat to make a complete and logical comparison.

  从 E 可以看出,用 than that in wheat 或 than does wheat 都可以,


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