


2017/08/10 14:20:59 编辑: 浏览次数:370 移动端



  Balstocm is a company providing mining technology, rencently the mining industry start to decline and Balstocm&aposs revenue and stock prices suffered. Renewable industry is a booming industry, some company succeeded in this new industry, such as solar power, wind power and xxxxx. Balstcom should shift all its research staff to those fields since the industry is such promising and Balstcom is sure to improve its profits and stock market performance.


  說的是last year demand of mining industry下降,從而整個industry的stock price和profits也下降了。Blastcom Corporation主要業務就有這個。然後作者就建議create a new strategy focusing on renewable tech,比如wind engery, solar energy, etc. 他說只有這樣才能ensure the Blastcom&aposs stock price and profits, and be safety in the coming years.



  Due to the decline demand of the mining technology, all the related corporations are suffering form decline of profit and sales this year, including Blastcom Corporation. Blastcom Corporation is considering adopting one growth strategy: to shift some of the researchers from mining technology to the renewable energy technology, the demand for the renewable energy such as solar energy. Some of the prominent companies which market the renewable energy are successful in recent years. Therore, it is guaranteed that company Blastcom will also be successful in the future by providing renewable energy


  1 类比错误,其他公司succeed不等同与B也可以。

  2 没有理由shift “all” its research staff

  3 无根据,decline不一定非要转型,可以延伸产业等。


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