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Ant Mound Question
Talks about how the strucutres of an ant mound and why it is such.. Provides two contrasting views that explains why these strucutures exist. Author support the 2nd theory.
Q1)According to the first theory 名字忘记了, what is the purpoes of the tunnels?
Answer has something to do with air flow
Q2) If the passages were sealed, what would happen according to passage?
Answer deals with humidity
Q3) 暂时想不起来,过会儿补充
V2 by 大大尧
V3 by lysiane
有道讲terminate mound 的function 的
第二段反驳,说是用来空气流通保持humidity CO2等
※往届考古 已确认
V1 by spchen
V2 by foxwill
v3 by gloria6113 Host age is one of the keyfactors in host–parasite relationships as it possibly affects infestationlevels, parasite-induced mortality of a host, and parasite distribution amonghost individuals. We tested two alternative hypotheses about infestationpattern and survival under parasitism in relation to host age. The first hypothesisassumes that parasites are recruited faster than they die and, thus, suggeststhat adult hosts will show higher infestation levels than juveniles because thormer have more time to accumulate parasites. The second hypothesis assumesthat parasites die faster than they are recruited and, thus, suggests thatadults will show lower infestation levels because of acquired immune responseand/or the mortality of heavily infested juveniles and, thus, selection forless infested adults. As the negative fects of parasites on host are oftenintensity-dependent, we expected that the age-related differences ininfestation may be translated to lower or higher survival under parasitism ofadults, in the cases of the first and the second hypotheses, respectively. Wemanipulated ectoparasite numbers using insecticide and assessed the infestationpattern in adult and juvenile gerbils (Gerbillus andersoni) in the Negev Desert.We found only a partial support for age-dependent parasitism. No age-relateddifferences in infestation and distribution among host individuals were foundafter adjusting the ectoparasite numbers to the host’s surface area. However,age-related differences in survival under parasitism were revealed. Thesurvival probability of parasitized juveniles decreased in about 48% comparedto unparasitized hosts while the survival probability of adults was notaffected by ectoparasites. Our results suggest that the fect of host age onhost–parasite dynamics may not explicitly be determined by age-dependentdifferences in ectoparasite recruitment or mortality processes but may also beaffected by other host-related and parasite-related traits
V4 by lupisces
是那个蚁穴 降温还是通风的。问题有一个是问2个理论的共同点 2. 第一个观点认为下面那个是对的
V5 by wang_mm2000
寄生那篇文章,所google到的部分其实只是考试文章的第一段,后面还有很重要的一段没有。而且有三道细节题出在第二段,其中有一道问如果adult and juvenile have the same surface area ,which of followingwill be true? 还有一道问soil erosion,请大家定位文章的最后一句话, 我就是没注意这个词,结果浪费了不少时间去找。汗。
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲