

8月GMAT作文机经:Drill production.

2017/08/10 13:50:14 编辑: 浏览次数:283 移动端



  “GMAT机经”这个名词的由来和托福机经有关。机经指的是上机考试经验,最先起源于托福考试,即对上机考试题目的回忆总结。GMAT考试包含AWA, IR, Quantitative和Verbal题目类型,而Verbal又包含SC,CR,RC三部分,Quantitative包含PS和DS两部分。

  坐稳:额,有点不懂,关键词是drill production,讲一个工厂它觉得自己很ficient和advanced,因为自己的生产效率高还是怎样的,它可以在一定生产成本下生产10个产品,while the other competitors more than 6(大概这个数,反正比10少)?然后这个工厂说自己可以reduce its drill production so as to reduce 生产成本,因为它认为降低生产成本一定可以使自己再竞争者中脱颖而出实现自己的goal


  The following appeared in a presentation by the chi production manager of a machine parts manufacturing company at a management meeting:

  “Our factory in Cookville is our most advanced and ficient. It is capable of producing ten drill bits for each dollar of production costs, whereas none of our other factories can produce more than seven drill bits per dollar of production costs. Therore, we can reduce our overall drill bit production costs by devoting the Cookville factory entirely to drill bit production. Since reducing the production costs of individual machine parts is the only way to achieve our larger goal of reducing our overall production costs, dedicating the Cookville factory entirely to drill bit production and shifting all other machine part production to our other factories will help us to attain that larger goal.”

  1. Gratuitous assumption:

  Coikville factory entirely to drill bit production will reduce our overall drill bit production cost.

  Perhaps, there are only one or several skilled workers who are can product them drill bits for each dollar of production cost. And they have already reached their full potential

  2. 充分必要条件

  Reduce the production costs of individual machine parts in the only way to achieve the decrease overall production costs,

  以train workers , 引进new technologies, 定期维修老旧设备,提高management strategy

  3. Gratuitous assumption:

  转移 就能减少全部成本

  也许转移制造之后 cargo and transporting fees would roar因为sporadically 分布的 工厂可以及时供货,集中在一个地方不利于 供货, 而且shifting 牵扯到 搬家的费用:那些cumbersome machine怎么转移啊,人员怎么迁移啊。。。这些都是huge expense, may not weighover the elevation of the productivity


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