


2017/08/10 13:46:00 编辑: 浏览次数:288 移动端



  “GMAT机经”这个名词的由来和托福机经有关。机经指的是上机考试经验,最先起源于托福考试,即对上机考试题目的回忆总结。GMAT考试包含AWA, IR, Quantitative和Verbal题目类型,而Verbal又包含SC,CR,RC三部分,Quantitative包含PS和DS两部分。

  这是一篇Saluda这个地区的editorial:Saluda Consolidated High School有200多门课程,另外一家private high school只有80门课程,但是这家私立高中每年送higher proportion of graduates进大学。

  所以建议Consolidated High School cut at least half the number of its courses and focus on the routine curriculum, thereby improving student performance and saving tax dollars.

  错误还是比较明显的:1.higher proportion不证明这家学校的学生就比Consolidated表现好; 2. 没有证明better performance和number of courses有联系。3. 这家成功了不见得另一家就得成功。

  V2 讲一个中学校录取大学比例比另一个高,因为这个学校的课程少,只有80门课,而差一点的学校有200门课。因此,应该减少课程,这样可以提高成绩,而且减少税收负担

  The following appeared in an editorial from a newspaper serving the town of Saluda:

  “The Saluda Consolidated High School offers more than 200 different courses from which its students can choose. A much smaller private school down the street offers a basic curriculum of only 80 different courses, but it consistently sends a higher proportion of its graduating seniors on to college than Consolidated does. By eliminating at least half of the courses offered there and focusing on a basic curriculum, we could improve student performance at Consolidated and also save many tax dollars.”

  1) Gratuitous assumption 无关假设

  (number of courses 和 better performance )

  2. False causal relationship

  (the proportion of students is a overall measure of student performance)

  1) 错误类比



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