


2017/08/10 13:37:23 编辑: 浏览次数:219 移动端


  本月原始 【By Annia35】

  银河和宇宙的膨胀那一篇也有遇到,问题有:文中提哥白尼的目的是什么(我选的是否定他的宇宙静止论, 不知道对不对时间有点赶没怎么看完文章),还有一题是主旨题

  考古+分析 【By 元叔】

  ※ 主题思路:




  但是东西逃逸不出去后,就又回到了奇点,回到了Big Bang;


  ※ 段落大意:


  是讲在1920年,发现了一个理论,好像是galaxies是不断变大的,举了个例子,就像是蛋糕里面的面粉发酵一样。然后又说道这个发现就证明了著名的Copernicus theory关于galaxies是static是错误的;


  两位 仁兄S和M通过实验发现了red shift,然后spectral line,怎么怎么的,没怎么看懂;


  是讲在1930年后,又发现了Huber Law,什么velocity equal to什么的,证明galaxies locomotion是uniform的

  第三段讲1930s科学家又拿这方法研究了偏远一点的galaxy 好像也是这么个结论,中间提到发现远离rate好像等于什么*distance,第四段暂时想不起来了。。。。

  ※ 题目:

  1)作者提到Copernicus theory的目的是什么:


  2)作者提到spectral line是为了证明什么


  ※ 维基补充材料:


  In 1929 Edwin Hubble, working at the Carnegie Observatories in Pasadena, California, measured the redshifts of a number of distant galaxies. He also measured their relative distances by measuring the apparent brightness of a class of variable stars called Cepheids in each galaxy. When he plotted redshift against relative distance, he found that the redshift of distant galaxies increased as a linear function of their distance. The only explanation for this observation is that the universe was expanding.

  In physics (especially astrophysics), redshift happens when light seen coming from an object that is moving away is proportionally increased in wavelength, or shifted to the red end of the spectrum. More generally, where an observer detects electromagnetic radiation outside the visible spectrum, "redder" amounts to a technical shorthand for "increase in electromagnetic wavelength" — which also implies lower frequency and photon energy in accord with, respectively, the wave and quantum theories of light.


  Meanwhile, other physicists and mathematicians working on Einstein&aposs theory of gravity discovered the equations had some solutions that described an expanding universe. In these solutions, the light coming from distant objects would be redshifted as it traveled through the expanding universe. The redshift would increase with increasing distance to the object.

  Once scientists understood that the universe was expanding, they immediately realized that it would have been smaller in the past. At some point in the past, the entire universe would have been a single point. This point, later called the big bang, was the beginning of the universe as we understand it today.

  The expanding universe is finite in both time and space. The reason that the universe did not collapse, as Newton&aposs and Einstein&aposs equations said it might, is that it had been expanding from the moment of its creation. The universe is in a constant state of change. The expanding universe, a new idea based on modern physics, laid to rest the paradoxes that troubled astronomers from ancient times until the early 20th Century.


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