

10月GMAT阅读机经:Competitive vs. Non.

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  [原始1] v33

  还有一篇长的是关于什么COMPETITIVE 和 NON COMPETITVE ADVERTISING的。 这个是LZ做的第一篇。。有点忘了 大概就是说有一个人认为COMPETITIVE 比NON 的什么要好些(有可能是反过来蛤) (具体什么方面忘了) 但是文章反驳说也不一定。。 这个实在是忘了不好意思- -第一篇就看到那么长的有点慌张






  【V1】by ruudarly(Q49V32)

  3.comparative & noncomparative ads的比较。这是狗主最后一篇阅读,时间不多,文章只扫了一遍,comparative ads 就是广告里把自己的产品和别家产品比较了,文章大概是这两种广告效果到底有没有差异的探究

  【V2】by moifrank

  1. 对比型广告和非对比型广告


  【V3】by dandanpai1234(Q51 V28 680)

  2 一篇阅读讲了relative measures 和comparative ads 什么的 我水平低看的云里雾里。。。考前担心阅读误导加上时间不够 也没看阅读机经

  【V4】by wangning1123 (760)

  也有 那片 competitive advertising的,题目记不全了,不误导大家了

  【V5】by ichel









  【V6】by zhujia200607

  阅读:地幔竞争性广告 C被两种方式沉淀导致气温变冷亚当斯密与集约化生产


  【V7】by 木子xi

  两种广告的比较 Q3 有两题不是狗狗里的 但真心不记得了 我对不起大家 哭

  【V8】by linlingmat

  两种广告。 基本上问题和JJ一致,不过大多数答案什么神马的完全不记得了。。。。楼主后来pace乱了 凌乱了。。。。。。。



  1.主题: 对一个研究的评价evaluate


  3.Nonrelative 和 relative 对 postcommunication 作用的区别:?


  【V10】by vampirewang


  1,两种广告的比较那篇,Q2作者观点我觉得应该是criticise那一项。Q3我选的和寂静一样,应该是对的。Q7正确选项大意应该是“existing study provides stronger support to 对比型广告”(我印象中是有比较级的)

  【V11】by emptytime(Q51 V35 710)


  【V12】by BCR(700)

  阅读 四篇全中了 JJ太有用了 很全 一定要看JJ!两种广告(competitive)很短 扫一眼就行。。

  以下是确认的考古(by ruudarly & gege112 & 木寻云5):

  【V1】第一段,文章首先提出某些人认为,competitive类的广告(即在广告诉求中说我的产品比竞争对手的产品怎么怎么好)比noncompetitive类的广告更好。但后来部分研究结果表明,第一类广告在某些方面的确有优势,但另一些研究又表明第一类广告在说服力度上并不比第二类强。作者貌似是反对第二个研究结论的。他说这个研究很null,因为它研究的两组广告,本身都是说服力不强的。作者举了例子(我实在记不清楚了,为避免误导大家就不写了,大家看这里的时候注意一下,因为有考题)。此外,用什么标准衡量说服力,也是这个研究的薄弱之处,因为它并没有引入相关性因素relative factor来较好的衡量广告的说服力度。第二段,作者认为评价哪一种广告好,首先要解决relative factor的问题。balabala,记不清楚了。不过第二段很短,大家知道第二段作者的主要观点就好了。

  补充一下 : 文章共两段(短),考了3题, 文章架构一开始说competitive比较有说服力, 接着转折说有一些研究推翻了, 但到了第二段作者指出后者研究上的缺点, 所以作者还是支持原来competitive较好,请注意作者的态度, 会考.


  第一段:人们对广告的反应与广告表达的方式有关。例如,说一种牛肉有75%的瘦肉的效果要比说它只有25%肥肉的反响要好。而反之,在某些补品广告中,强调如果不补就会有多么不好的广告效果要胜于那些只说吃了这些补品有什么好处的广告。 第二段:研究表明,究竟正面广告效果好还是负面广告效果好取决于人们对广告中涉及的健康问题的关心程度如何:关心度高的,则负面广告效果好;关心度低的,则正面广告效果好。但是上述研究结果仅仅是根据这些与健康有关的广告效果得出的,并不一定能够推而广之。有一个infer,如果这个牛肉的广告,用第二段说的强调健康的方法做,受众的involvement会高还是低。


  【V4】過去學者研究指出與競爭者產品比較的廣告(comparative advertisement)比沒有與競爭者產品比較的廣告更有說服力

  但有些研究指出comparative advertisement相較於未比較的廣告效果是reduce,因為比較的訊息是消費者認為不重要的或是該比較的訊息是消費者雖認為重要卻是消費者已 知的,然而,該研究的兩種廣告性質上是相同的,且用來衡量的measure是根據非comparative measure,無法有效反映comparative advertisement優於非comparative advertisement,因此,應使用comparative measure來衡量兩種廣告的相對優劣


  广告,COMPRARATIVE (应该是这么拼吧)对比 NON-COMPRARATIVE advertisement,看那种更PERSUASIVE. 一些人认为COMPRARATIVE 有效,不过更多的人认为这2种广告其实没差别. 作者分析说觉得2种广告没效果差别是因为分析效果的方法有问题. 如果单一看某个产品,那是没差别,如果和竞争对手的产品比,那COMPRARATIVE 就显的有效了.

  Wilkie, William L. and Paul Farris (1975), “Comparative Advertising: Problems and Potential,” Journal of Marketing, 39 (October), 7-15; 这个是刚GOOGLE出来的, 题里有Wilkie和Farris 这2个人. 文章TOPIC也一样,应该就是这篇. 各位可以GOOGLE一下

  【V5】纲要: 全文只有一段, 45行左右. 脉络清晰, 朗朗上口.

  a. K 提出一个观点说同其他竞争者比较的广告比较能达到效果, 陈述原因.

  b. 有一个研究发现与k的观点不符. 根据实验提不提及竞争者这两种广告的差别几乎没有.

  c. 作者开始批判这个研究而肯定k的观点. 指出实验之所以有这样的null的结果是因为他们所取的sample不对. nonrelative 和relative的数据对postcommunication的作用不一样. 而上述研究因为只取了与结果一致的数据而早成了研究结果的局限性. 新的研究肯定了k的观点.


  1. 主题: 对一个研究的品评

  2. nonrelative 和 relative 对 postcommunication 作用的区别: specifically point out the rerence

  3. 为何研究的结果不对: 采样不完全

  【V6】by 夏日香水百合

  一道是关于comparative ads和noncomparative ads的,从前有两个人说comparative ads更有效果怎么怎么地,后来大多数研究表明comparative ads给消费者留下的看后印象和intention两个方面并没有明显作用。

  【V7】bydaisyの小夢想 710,Q48 V38






  1. 2. 忘了

  3. Method

  狗主确认考古:by daisyの小夢想

  【V8】by Serena0710

  第一段, 说有一种广告类型,表现形式是通过和竞争者的产品相比较的方式来推广产品. 甲学者的观点是:这种广告通常更有效.

  第二段: 然而, 尽管有些experiment证实了甲学者的观点, 另一些试验却发现这种广告的效果不比普通广告更好. 先让步说,有可能的确是这种广告也不过如此, 不比普通广告明显的好(有题目,问这句话的作用).However, 对这个试验结果的解释:一种可能的原因是此类广告是要突出产品与竞争产品的差异,而如果看广告的人早已经知道了这个差异,那么这种广告对消费者的观点的影响就不大了. 第二个可能的原因是measure的方法有问题, blabla...讲了一堆measure的方法问题,没什么考点.



  有可能的确是这种广告也不过如此, 不比普通广告明显的好 (意识大概是competitive广告不一定像有些研究者认为的作用那么大)




  第一段,文章首先提出某些人认为,competitive类的广告(即在广告诉求中说我的产品比竞争对手的产品怎么怎么好)比noncompetitive类的广告更好。但后来部分研究结果表明,第一类广告在某些方面的确有优势,但另一些研究又表明第一类广告在说服力度上并不比第二类强。作者貌似是反对第二个研究结论的。他说这个研究很null,因为它研究的两组广告,本身都是说服力不强的。作者举了例子(我实在记不清楚了,为避免误导大家就不写了,大家看这里的时候注意一下,因为有考题)。此外,用什么标准衡量说服力,也是这个研究的薄弱之处,因为它并没有引入相关性因素relative factor来较好的衡量广告的说服力度。考题多集中在前半段,其中一题是主题题。

  第二段,作者认为评价哪一种广告好,首先要解决relative factor的问题。Balabala,记不清楚了。这段很短,大家知道第二段作者的主要观点就好了。作者指出后者研究上的缺点, 所以作者还是支持原来competitive较好,请注意作者的态度, 会考.

  确定有考到主旨题 有关作者的态度 但是我不确定答案 全文的论述还是比较偏重评价competitive广告有效性的研究问题。

  【V11】过去学者研究指出与竞争者产品比较的广告(comparative advertisement)比没有与竞争者产品比较的广告更有说服力,但有些研究指出comparative advertisement相较于未比较的广告效果是reduce,因为比较的讯息是消费者认为不重要的或是该比较的讯息是消费者虽认为重要却是消费者已知的,然而,该研究的两种广告性质上是相同的,且用来衡量的measure是根据非comparative measure,无法有效反映comparative advertisement优于非comparative advertisement,因此,应使用comparative measure来衡量两种广告的相对优劣


  (1). 主旨题


  (2). Nonrelative 和 relative 对 postcommunication 作用的区别

  答:选有 point of rerence的答案

  【V12】主题:比较了两种类型的广告comparative and uncomparative的效果





  作者观点(反对2,肯定1): However,这是个null的研究


  1. 比较的讯息是消费者认为不重要或是比较的讯息是消费者虽认为重要却是消费者已知的。此类广告是要突出产品与竞争产品的差异,而如果看广告的人早已经知道了这个差异,那么这种广告对消费者的观点的影响就不大了

  2. 对比实验(measure的方法)有问题

  原先的实验是unrelative experiment. Theattractiveness of the ads which show the difference and the ads which do notare equivalent. 但是更有效的实验应该是relative experiment. In this experiment, theconsumer at first will show some prerence of some products.



  作者认为评价哪一种广告好,首先要解决relative factor的问题。



  2、问文章的main point



  In their classic article, Wilkie and Farris (1975) proposed that, in general, comparative advertisements will be more persuasive than their noncomparative counterparts. However, the bulk of empirical evidence has not supported this proposition. Although several studies have shown comparative ads can exert more positive fects than noncomparative ads on brand attitudes, purchase intentions, or purchase, comparative ads have also been found to reduce persuasion. Perhaps the most common finding has been that comparative and noncomparative ads produce very similar postcommunication (产品后续宣传) attitudes and intentions. Why have comparative and noncomparative ads so often been found to produce similar levels of persuasion? One rather obvious possibility is that null findings(无效)are simply the result of the fact that the particular comparative and noncomparative ads used in the test situation were truly equivalent in their persuasiveness. It may be, for instance, that the comparative copy communicated interbrand differences that were seen as trivial or unimportant. Similarly, failure to include adequate substantiation for the comparative claims could render them impotent (无力的,无效的). Even if comparative claims convey important differences with adequate substantiation, they may be no more fective than noncomparative claims when consumers are already aware of these differences. Another possibility, the one explored in this paper, is that the failure to detect persuasion differences between comparative and noncomparative ads may be the result of the types of measures used to test for such fects. Earlier investigations have often relied upon nonrelative or monadic (一元的) measures of postcommunication impressions (i.e., measures that assess belis, attitudes, and/or intentions toward the advertised brand without an explicit point of rerence). However, it would appear that relative measures (i.e., measures that use the comparison brand as a point of rerence in their assessment) are better suited for capturing the persuasive impact of comparative advertising. The rationale for this position is developed in the following sections.

  One potentially important difference between comparative and noncomparative advertising is the ability of a comparative ad to encourage a particular point of rerence during encoding of the information about the ad- vertised brand. Moorman (1990) points out that external rerence points can enhance consumers&apos ability to process information as well as their comprehension of the information. As a result, consumers who lack the knowl- edge necessary to understand some information fully may benit from the bench marks provided by rerence information. External rerence points may not only increase one&aposs ability to extract meaning from a set of information, they may also affect the particular meaning extracted from the information. The presence of such rerence points during processing may result in their becoming an integral part of the impressions which are formed. Consequently, consumers exposed to comparative ads which provide an explicit comparison brand should be more likely to form mental impressions of the advertised brand that are relative (to the comparison brand) in nature than they would following exposure to noncomparative ads.

  【V14】考古:GWD by helio5 (8.24 23:00)

  A keydecision required of advertising managers is whether a “hard-sell” or“soft-sell” strategy is appropriate for a specific target market. The hard-sellapproach involves the use of direct, forcul claims regarding the benits ofthe advertised brand over competitors’ offerings. In contrast, the soft-sellapproach involves the use of advertising claims that imply superiority moresubtly.

  One positive aspect of the hard-sellapproach is its use of very simple and straightforward product claims presentedas explicit conclusions, with little room for confusion regarding theadvertiser’s message. However, some consumers may resent being told what tobelieve and some may distrust the message. Resentment and distrust often leadto counterargumentation and to boomerang fects where consumers come tobelieve conclusions diametrically opposed to conclusions endorsed inadvertising claims. By contrast, the risk of boomerang erects is greatlyreduced with soft-sell approaches. One way to implement the soft-sell approachis to provide information that implies the main conclusions the advertiserwants the consumer to draw, but leave the conclusions themselves unstated.Because consumers are invited to make up their own minds, implicit conclusionsreduce the risk of resentment, distrust, and counterargumentation.

  Recentresearch on consumer memory and judgment suggests anotheradvantage of implicit conclusions. Belis or conclusions that areself-generated are more accessible from memory than belis from conclusionsprovided explicitly by other individuals, and thus have a greater impact onjudgment and decision making. Moreover, self-generated belis are oftenperceived as more accurate and valid than the belis of others, because otherindividuals may be perceived as less knowledgeable, or may be perceived asmanipulative or deliberately misleading.

  Despite these advantages, implicitconclusions may not always be more fective than explicit conclusions. Onerisk is that some consumers may fail to draw their own conclusions and thusmiss the point of the message. Inferential activity is likely only whenconsumers are motivated and able to engage in fortful cognitive processes.Another risk is that some consumers may draw conclusions other than the oneintended. Even if inferential activity is likely, there is no guarantee thatconsumers will follow the path provided by the advertiser. Finally, a thirdrisk is that consumers may infer the intended conclusion but question thevalidity of their inference.

  【V15】by 静漪静宜 (原5的V3)

  commercial ads 有种广告中有和竞争对手的对比,这种广告比没对比的ads更persuasive。但是另外有fact说其实有对比的广告会让人反感

  【V16】by dickpenis m51v37 730 (9.1 22:30)


  【V17】by 洋沫沫 V33 (9.1 22:30)


  p1. 有两个人给出理论说 广告对于comparative product 比 一般的更有效;但被人反驳了,用的是some……;while……句型, 就是有些人说在有些方面还行,在另一方面就不行了,都差不多。

  p2. 然后就举了几个例子说明,其中一个是说,宣传优势,但是如果熟悉的客户早就知道你这些优势了,对他们也没用。

  p3. 好像是说原来的measure没法对比这两个广告,后来又了新办法可以实现(这里有考题,很纠结地对比了好久,两个选项,一句说新方法的,一句反着说老方法的,都和原文很像,后来我觉得直接说新方法的那句修饰词不对,选了反着说老方法的)

  【V18】by gamxiaoyuan Q:49 V:38 Total:710 (9.10更新)

  还有一遍说comparative ad和non-comparaive ad的比较,但我的问题和JJ上不太一样,但原文一样,大家小心

  【V19】by tina弯 680=M50+V31 (9.14更新)

  竞争性广告考到了作者的态度,总体还是倾向于comparative ads。

  开头写了两个人的研究表明comparative ads更好,后来就用另一个研究来推翻俩人结论。

  但作者说后面这个是null conclusion之类的,大概是从2、3方面推翻的吧。



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