


2017/08/10 12:48:41 编辑: 浏览次数:329 移动端





  a human resource director in a tire manufacturing company.

  ”The cost of training the new employee plays an important role in the overall expense of a company. 象the Fun Toys Company 发起一个Apprentice Training Program. 他们给senior employee发 salary bonus 如果他们自愿参加这个项目。在这个项目中new employee can learn business patterns from the senior employee这样来降低新员工的培训成本。 so no more expensive and cost programs are needed. 所以我们公司也应该象FUN Toys Company 一样用这中项目降低新员工培训的成本


  V1。 Fun Toy Company采取了一个职工培训计划program,让senior employees volunteer to take an new employees as their apprentice, 这样的话,new employees 就可以follow the pattern sets by the senior employees. 用这种方法, 可以减少培训成本,也不会time-consuming。因此,我们公司也应该仿效该公司,采取同样的方法来培训员工。

  偶写的错误是:false analogy& gratuitous assumption

  V6. Fun Toy Company采取了一个职工培训计划program,让senior employees volunteer to take an new employees as their apprentice, 这样的话,new employees 就可以follow the pattern sets by the senior employees. 用这种方法, 可以减少培训成本,也不会time-consuming。因此,我们公司也应该仿效该公司,采取同样的方法来培训员工


  1) False Analogy.

  错误类比了我们公司(tire manufacturing company 和 Fun Toys Company)可能轮胎公司需要技术创新呢,玩具公司只要流水作业

  2) 充分必要条件

  Decrease cost of training是 reduce overall cost 的唯一条件。 还有可能减少成本浪费啊, 提高生产力啊 都能减少 overall cost

  3) Gratuitous assumption

  New employee follow the pattern sets by the senior employees 一定会 learn business patterns from the senior employee。 在Apprentice Training Program中新员工只能学到专业技能,操作,但是对团队协作力,团队建设等没有很好的培训到。并且在学习过程中,新员工可能会学到老员工的一些坏习惯,比如错误操作等。


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