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  记得有个竞选广告的变体,原来问的是削弱,这里变成了假设,就选E人们没有在放竞选广告的时候换台就好。by Spencer.L


  以前研究发现人们不喜欢看政治类的ad,所以电视都只把政治类的ad放在下面滚动,可是去年政治大选的一个ad长达半小时,却有好多人看那个频道,说明人们重燃了对政治类宣传节目的热情,问哪个事实需要知道一下以便evaluate这个结论。我选的是:是否人们看到这个ad几分钟后也没有换台?by medull


  V1 from exchange

  但是好像问的又不太一样。我选的也是跟E相同意思的选项。题目好像问的是fail to consider which assumption BLABLA 意思差不多。

  V2 from ritazhang54321 (720)

  不过遇到GWD原题(考前做到,一模一样的)了,激动ING^~~~~(不过搜了半天没搜到) 说的是政治广告时间长短的那个,答案选:观众没有换台



  ?Because it was long thought that few people would watch lengthy televised political messages, most televised political advertisements, like commercial advertisements, took the form of short messages. Last year, however, one candidate produced a half-hour-long advertisement. During the half hour the advertisement was aired, a substantial portion of the viewing public tuned into the advertisement. Clearly, then, many more people are interested in watching lengthy televised political messages than was previously thought.

  ?Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

  ?A. The candidate’s ratings improved significantly as a result of the half-hour-long political advertisement.

  B. Political advertisements have become increasingly influential in determining voters’ decisions at the polls.

  C. Many people would appreciate the opportunity to become better acquainted with political candidates’ views on current political issues.

  D. Most people who are interested in political issues watch television regularly.

  E. Most of the viewers who tuned in to the candidate’s half-hour-long advertisement last year did not change channels after the first few minutes. 答案:E

  PREP1-093-削弱题型(GWD-21-Q38 different type) (24269-!-item-!-188;#058&000870)

  ?Because it was long thought that few people would watch lengthy televised political messages, most televised political advertisements, like commercial advertisements, took the form of short messages. Last year, however, one candidate produced a half-hour-long advertisement. At the beginning of the half-hour slot a substantial portion of the viewing public had tuned in to that station. Clearly, then, many more people are interested in lengthy televised political messages than was previously thought.

  ?Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?

  A. The candidate who produced the half-hour-long advertisement did not win election at the polls.

  B. The half-hour-long advertisement was widely publicized bore it was broadcast.

  C. The half-hour-long advertisement was aired during a time slot normally taken by one of the most popular prime-time shows.

  D. Most short political advertisements are aired during a wide range of programs in order to reach a broad spectrum of viewers.

  E. In general a regular-length television program that features debate about current political issues depends for its appeal on the personal qualities of the program&aposs moderator.


  题目讲到,一般人们都觉得没什么人会看很长的政治性广告的嘛,所以这些广告就采用了短小的信息。但是有一年一个候选人就播放了一段半小时的政治广告(看到这就乐了,这题目出的多怨念啊。)结果发现, 在这半小时刚开始的时候,很多人还调台跳过去了诶。于是就说原来大家对这么长的政治广告还挺有兴趣的嘛。 问削弱(一看题就知道问削弱,出题人很怨念。。。)




  C 这个广告占用了一个很好看的节目平时播出的时间段。这个很容易明白是他因削弱,因为大家都是看看到时 间了就换台来看了嘛,打开一看,诶,怎么是这个人在做广告。。。(从这里还发现,可能这就是为什么出题人这 么怨念。。)

  D 很多政治广告都是安排在一系列节目之间,这个是无关选项。

  E 通常长电视节目收视率取决于主持人。不关竞选者的事情。我们并不知道题干中的长政治广告的主持人是好 还是不好。如果它的主持人很吸引观众,那么改选项有削弱作用,如果不吸引观众,那么反而是加强了。排除。 选 C


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