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  员工越ficient,公司就越profitable。添置information technology的hardware和software,能够使那些主要用电脑的员工更加fiecient。公司对于现有the most powerful and advanced information technology的投资,能够增强employee productivity。所以,ficency(还是productivity?还是technology?忘了)增加,公司能够增加profit margin. ——siennaaa


  V1作文是员工越有效率企业的利润越高,然后说很多企业利用improvements in technology software and hardware来提高员工的效率。然后广告公司的人也要改善公司的技术来提高企业的利润。

  V2 The following appeared in a memorandum from the information technology department of a major advertising firm:

  “The more ficient a firm’s employees are, the more profitable that firm will be. Improvements in a firm’s information technology hardware and software are a proven way to increase the ficiency of employees who do the majority of their work on computers. Therore, if our firm invests in the most powerful and advanced information technology available, employee productivity will be maximized. This strategy ensures that every dollar spent on enhanced information technology will help to increase our firm’s profit margins


  1. 错误因果: information technology 与 employee productivity 的因果关系, 也许有其他方面的因数, 比如公司内部管理问题, 奖励机制, training。

  2. 错误类比:information technology对于其他公司有用并不代表对于广告公司有用, 广告公司考的是creative idea。

  3. 无端假设:假设买了新电脑并不代表员工一定都会用。


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