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  15. as...as, so as to。

  Manhattan SC

  Chapter 9 Idiom


  RIGHT:Cheese is (NOT) AS great AS people say.

  We have AS MANY apples AS need to be cooked.

  We have THREE TIMES AS MANY apples AS you.

  We have AT LEAST AS MANY apples AS you.

  We have 10apples, ABOUT AS MANY AS we picked yesterday.

  His knowledge springs AS MUCH from experience AS from schooling.

  His knowledge springs NOT SO MUCH from experience AS from schooling.

  He wins frequently, AS MUCH because he plays SO hard AS because he cheats.

  SUSPECT: Cheese is NOT SO great AS people say.

  We have AS MANY apples AS OR MORE apples THAN you.

  We have AS MANY apples AS THERE need to be cooked.

  He wins frequently, AS MUCH because he plays AS hard AS because he cheats.

  WRONG: Cheese is SO great AS people say.

  Cheese is SO great THAT people say.

  Cheese is AS great THAT people say.

  We have AS MANY apples THAN you.

  We have SO MANY apples AS you.

  We have AS MANY OR MORE apples THAN you.

  We have THREE TIMES AS MANY MORE apples AS you.

  We have 10apples, ABOUT EQUIVALENT TO what we picked yesterday.

  His knowledge springs NOT from experience AS from schooling.


  SUSPECT: The sauce was SO hot AS TO burn my mouth.

  WRONG: The sauce had SUCH heat AS TO burn my mouth.

  The sauce had SO much heat AS TO burn my mouth.

  16. 主谓一致考点很多。



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