


2017/08/10 12:12:51 编辑: 浏览次数:311 移动端





  V1 说的是某航空公司,加了几条新航线。但是油价上涨,导致20off的亏本,但是其他航空公司没有亏本,所以作者总结是新的几个航线的增加导致亏本,应该去掉。

  我攻击:其他公司也可能亏损,只是没告诉你。可能油价上涨导致票价上涨导致大家都不愿意坐飞机。可能是就航线的亏损导致整体亏损,甚至新航线还是赚钱的。——by luckyxiuxiu

  V2 作文是一个航空公司分析师给ceo的email。说Provincia last year profits decline,oil price正好增长,所以该公司的expenditure for fuel增加了,同时该公司去年add more flights因为其他airlines 也经历了油价上涨,但是甚至increase profit所以P公司亏损的原因一定是more flights。为了利润,应该eliminate flighs ——by rrdent

  V3 The profit of airline AA has fell dramatically last year. The increase of fuel expenditure certainly was major problem. However, some other airlines also had the situation and they were able to increase their profitablity. So it is not the problem of oil price. The problem is the newly added 5 flights. So, in order to return to profitablity, we should shrink the airline operation.


  1.充分必要条件: flight expansion 是 profit 减少的唯一条件 ?也有可能是做的乘客少了,the air crash influences people choose other vehicle for transportation.

  2.错误类比: 其他公司 increase their profitability 不一定就是减少 number of flight ,也许是他们的服务更好,顾客更喜欢选择他们公司.

  3.无关假设: Decrease flight expansion. 一定会使 profit上升? 虽然减少航班数量,可以减少overall cost, 但是revenue from these flights 也是同样减少.

  5、 公司搬去新城市


  一个regional life的magazine的article里面有段话,说corporation都应该去Helios 这个城市找new business opportunity或者new location。因为之前recession的时候Helios的unemployment rate was lower than regional average。且过去很多年Helios 都是industrial 中心。说现在Helios为了expand economy base要引进research and development new technology的公司。

  楼主由于昨儿没寂静 吓得凌晨2am才休息,本来就才6小时基本上没睡着。。看这个题目比较晕乎。。。只写了时间上的(过去好不等于未来好)还有说unemployment rate 关是否适合new business 啥事。很可能一开始unemployment rate就很低,所以即使这个城市其实失业率increase sharply最后还是低于average,但是实际上整个经济已经不好了。而这个城市之所以要招商很可能要么发展到了瓶颈要么已经开始下坡了,所以才要招商。最后建议好歹给一点关于这个城市未来发展预测的数据。(by: 昆仑飞)


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