

1月GMAT作文机经:Sandwich Store扩张3个店面.

2017/08/10 12:11:07 编辑: 浏览次数:250 移动端

  相信很多同学都翘首期盼着每个月的GMAT机经,GMAT机经对于各位考生们备考非常重要。在考试之前,对GMAT真题的复习,是最直接最有利于考生们的复习材料。澳际教育在这里将最新的GMAT机经分享给大家,希望帮助考生们认真备考。下面是1月最近作文机经:Sandwich Store扩张3个店面,小编就只能帮大家到这里了。


  George Poulos 在某个小镇开了餐厅,得到大成功,于是它也想要在附近的town及cities在开三间餐厅,并在原本餐厅的员工中选三个作为心餐厅的manager,Poulos相信新开三间餐厅可以triple his current profits.(by: yun5225)


  V1 有一个small town的一家餐馆,生意很好。这个town有个特点是有很多university。然后老板打算在nearby的cities and towns再开三家连锁店。聘用自己培养的员工去那里做新的managers。老板相信可以获得以前3倍的收入。——ChrisCD

  V2 感觉和开连锁店/开药店什么的都差不多

  开多3家餐厅(卖sandwich)利润就能翻三倍:**现在在有大学的一个town卖得好,学生很喜欢 **老板训练了3个员工(记得没说是管理培训),可以让他们升职管理新店 ——by饭饭不想起名字

  V3 George大叔开三明治店的那题,就是什么在S镇(大学城)三明治卖得很好,所以大叔要在附近的城市再开3家店。并且提升3个员工为经理,同时认为自己的profits会涨三倍。

  V4 (疑似原题!)The argument was about a paragraph from a restaurant business newsletter about small franchise restaurants. A small restaurant owner, George, opened a pita restaurant in a college town Sallon. His restaurant has been quite successful for the last 2 years. So he decided to open another 3 restaurants in nearby cities and towns. He also plans to promote his 3 employees who have been trained under him to be the managers of the new restaurants. He expects his profits will trip after all restaurants are opened.


  1.False causal relationship : 多开餐馆跟利润上升之间无必然关系。

  2.all things are equal:在这卖的好其他地方不一定地点变化,是不是可以保证新开每家店会不会取得以往相同的利润。注意,学校这个关键因素,学校可以保证一个地方充足的客源,但是其他地方没有信息说明该地方有类似的客源。

  3.Gratuitous assumption:培养员工employees who have been trained under him to be the managers of the new restaurants. Because the manger is requiring a high competence. Such as sale strategy, supply chain management. And these three employees who do not have these kinds of abilities.


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