

1月GMAT作文机经:Market Co.提高顾客loyalty.

2017/08/10 12:02:00 编辑: 浏览次数:256 移动端


  Voluntary ambulance service or commercial ambulance service


  一个town还是city,对于车祸中的victims,是靠志愿者和commercial ambulance service来救助的。但是发现志愿者到现场不够及时,而且不如commercial ambulance service可以更好地照顾伤者。因此这个town的什么人就说要disband志愿者的aid,靠commercial ambulance service来救助伤者并且也可以增加这个地儿的收入~(by: lele16)


  V1 West C的volunteer ambulance service反应速度不如East C的commercial ambulance service反应速度快,为了provide better service and increase revenue West C这地方也要用commercial ambulance service。——by小毛毛熊崽崽

  V2 The following appeared in the editorial section of a West Cambria newspaper:

  “A recent review of the West Cambria volunteer ambulance service revealed a longer average response time to accidents than was reported by a commercial ambulance squad located in East Cambria. In order to provide better patient care for accident victims and to raise revenue for our town by collecting service fees for ambulance use, we should disband our volunteer service and hire a commercial ambulance service.”



  2.充分条件: Response time to accidents 是衡量 ambulance squad performance 的唯一因数。

  3.无端假设:Commercial ambulance squad caused raise revenue.

  31、 Market Co.提高顾客loyalty


  题目说为了提高本地居民对Market Co. loyalty , Market Co.应该多组织社区活动来提高自己的知名度(often seen),这样可以persuade居民去他那买东西,他提的社区活动包括课外活动,足球比赛艺术展览神马的。我就是主要吐槽他often seen不一定能提高loyalty啊,loyalty和sales相关又不是often seen就可以,以及他提的这些活动和目标客户关系太远,不一定能起到作用。(by: Ruby、浣花)


  一个MarketCo公司 做了一个research,发现local consumer will develop loyalty to stores that cause them to keep shopping. 所以这个公司的负责人建议 MartketCo move some of the international advertising budget to funding of local community.(就是搞基建)这样就能让local people在MarketCo 买东西,然后increase the local market share. Develop customer loyalty. 大致是这样的~


  1. The statistically reliability of survey/research (who conducted, who responder or how the survey were conducted)

  2. 错误因果: 调整宣传的预算搞基建就能让local people在MarketCo 买东西? 培养客户忠诚度是一个漫长的过程,这样直接assume太天真了啦……

  3. 无关假设: move some of the international advertising budget to funding of local community这样的预算调整直接影响了总体资源配置,也存在一定决策风险,不能说就可以increase the local market share,更不能说就能develop loyalty.


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