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一个专栏的作者认为 有一个stable office job 的人不应该辞职在家里面做self- employed. 原因有三个 1. 在家里工作难以集中精力(手机的干扰,邻居的干扰等。)2. 在家里面工作的话会容易因为没有schedule 而avoid working. 3. 在家工作的人会变得isolated,这样会失去很多advance career 的机会。结论是长期来讲在家工作的人会比office worker 赚得少。 (by swde622)
作文,比较简单,给的东西很全,就是结论是: sticking the office job can get a greater earning than the people work in the house, 给出了三个例证(顺序可能有差别哈)1.the self -employee will limit his advance than office job.2. work at home will set no schedule and the people will avoid working.3.the people work in the house will be distracted by his neighber, phone call or the other things . 写起来比较容易,但是大家要注意, 结论是,赚得多,get a greater earning。。。这个一定不能忽略了。。因为前面三个例证的问题太大,狗主写到最后,发现最大的 GAP其实就是无关假设和无关因果啊。。。而且后面的因果关系更是重点。(by: 唐韵)
V1 It is financially unwise to work at home than work in an office. First, there are many distractions, such as phone call, noisy neighbors and house chores. Second, people tend to procrastinate and avoid working. Third, people are socially isolated, their opportunities for career development will be limited.
我就根据这三点逐个argue的,但觉得很牵强,都是硬扯的。。。瞎套七宗罪。。。大家好好想想思路吧,说不定还会遇到。。。——by xperilla
V2 Generally speaking, it is financially unwise for people quit stable office job and start working from home. It is there are a lot of distractions when people working from home. People working from home tend to procrastinate because there is no discipline. Also, working from home makes people isolated. Therore, it is financially more advantageous for people working in the office. It is unwise to quit a stable office job in order to be self-employed and work at home
V3 说在办公室工作比在家工作好。有三个论点:(1)在家工作的人会面对更多的abstraction,比如 邻居 电话 家务等等。(2)在家工作的人更没有时间计划,更倾向与avoid work。(3)与社会和人群隔离,会对人的career advance有限制。整个argument都没有举例和调查。
1.false causal relationship: Working at home caused the distractions
2.gratuitous assumption:在家工作一定钱少???Income of people working at home would be adversely affected due to distractions at home上班工作, 成本还高呢, 还要坐车,还要吃饭,还要应酬,还要。。。
3 gratuitous assumption:在办公室上班 一定会有 career advancement ??? 造成career advancement 提升的因数有很多。 比如自身的专业性啦, professional
4. 看问题太片面:在办公室上班也有他的缺点。比如工作环境不好啊, 同事有时候也会造成干扰。
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲