

2月GMAT作文机经:grocery store.

2017/08/10 11:50:00 编辑: 浏览次数:299 移动端

  相信很多同学都翘首期盼着每个月的GMAT机经,GMAT机经对于各位考生们备考非常重要。在考试之前,对GMAT真题的复习,是最直接最有利于考生们的复习材料。澳际教育在这里将最新的GMAT机经分享给大家,希望帮助考生们认真备考。下面是2月最近作文机经:grocery store 增加其他的部门和service来提高销量,小编就只能帮大家到这里了。

  author 说 grocery store 在add pharmacy department 以后就 sales increase by 20%, 所以认为要加其他的部门和service也可以增加grocery store的销量。 (by xiongyuxi)

  PS:感谢xkelly 和mickeyli 两位同学的热心帮助,找到了这道题的完整版,让我们一起鼓掌致谢!

  The following is part of a business plan created by the management of the Megamart grocery store.

  “Our total sales have increased this year by 20 percent since we added a pharmacy section to our grocery store. Clearly, the customer’s main concern is the convenience afforded by one-stop shopping. The surest way to increase our profits over the next couple of years, therore, is to add a clothing department along with an automotive supplies and repair shop. We should also plan to continue adding new departments and services, such as a restaurant and a garden shop, in subsequent years. Being the only store in the area that offers such a range of services will give us a competitive advantage over other local stores.”


  1. 无因果关系,grocery store的sales增长不是因为add pharmacy department,而是其他原因,比如需求的增加,商家的promotion,减税等等;

  2. 无因果关系,就算grocery store的sales增长是因为add pharmacy department,也不代表the customer’s main concern is the convenience afforded by one-stop shopping,customer的concern可能仅仅是因为它们的价格便宜;

  3. 错误类比,就算grocery store的sales增长是因为add pharmacy department,也不代表加其他的部门和service也可以增加grocery store的销量。

  4. 结论无据,就算grocery store加其他的部门和service就能have a competitive advantage over other local stores,其他local stores可能有很多优点是grocery store比不上的等等。


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