您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 2月GMAT阅读机经:鸟学声音.
※ 主题思路:
※ 段落大意:
P2:不过现在科学家发现可以从starling mimic不同voice来研究它们的生活和social。在这个实验中,这种鸟被分为了好几组,有一些和人有接触多,有的和人接触少,有一些和人无接触(有题,问哪一个不是这个实验的特征,选“鸟儿和人们有很多对话”,鸟儿虽然和人有接触但是无语言交流),而且不以食物为奖励来鼓励鸟儿学人说话。实验就发现,鸟儿很厉害,可以模仿人类讲话甚至可以模仿各种腔调。发现这是一种鸟的social 的一种方式。
而且和人们有更多接触的鸟儿们更爱显摆 inference就是鸟儿对于周围的环境很有interest。
P3:这种鸟从小为了得到食物就开始模仿父母和附近“邻居”(这里是不是邻居我不确定,但这里有考题,就是问小鸟为了成长是怎样做的,我选了通过模仿父母和“邻居”的声音)。有利于进化之类。在野外他们是模仿他们的parents and siblings.得出一个结论,八哥小時候就开始接受家庭的音乐熏陶了(有題)。
※ 题目: 还有一些细节题直接标在细节出现处
describe an experiment researching a phenomenon(我选的,还有一個选项比較模糊,建议大家再看看)
答:学习的parents and sibling
答:(1)因为flock and vocalize too much, too frequently
Q5: 问以下哪一种情况可以用来削弱starling这种鸟跟人学说话的事实,
节选自Social influences on vocal development (@ Cambridge University Press 1997)
Author: Charles T. Snowdon, Martine Hausberger
The vocal talent of starlings has been known since antiquity, when Pliny considered their ability to mimic human speech noteworthy. Ornithologists know that this species possesses a rich repertoire of call and songs, composed of whistles, clicks, snarls, and screeches. In addition, starlings are well known for their ability to mimic the sounds of other animals or even mechanical noises. Descriptions of starling song in the past rlect the difficulty of describing all the variety of sounds included. Witherby mentioned a “lively rambling melody of throaty warbling, chiring, clicking and gurgling notes interspersed with musical whistles and pervaded by a peculiar creaking quality.”
This complexity explains why detailed studies of starling song have delayed long after the arrival of the sound spectrograph. As mentioned by West & King, “the problem with starlings is that they vocalized too much, too often and in too great numbers, sometimes in choruses numbering in the thousands. Even the seemingly elementary step of creating an accurate catalogue of the vocal repertoire of wild starlings is an intimidating task because of the variety of their sounds.”
Chaiken have compared the sons of young males raised in different social conditions: either with a wild-caught adult song tutor, individually housed but tape-tutored by a tape-recording or raised in total isolation. All birds had been taken from the nest at an early age (8-10 days) and were hand raised. Untutored birds produced mostly an abnormal song, where even the basic organization of song was missing. In contrast, both tape- and live-tutored birds developed songs with a normal basic organization, but with some syntactical abnormalities for the tape-tutored birds. Tape-tutored birds had repertoires half as large as those of live-tutored birds. Large differences occurred between both groups of birds in their …
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲