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  科学家经过研究发现广告与歌曲的联系,1>With songs more fective than without 2>With vocal more fective than without 3>With original lyrics when in high personal significance more fective than with altered lyrics when in low personal significance。

  说有歌词的song of high personal significance 让人印象深刻,一种是说 altered lyric song of low personal significance 也让人印象深刻。意思就是红就用原唱,不红就翻唱,因为大家会觉得翻唱部分比较新,原文有”lack of fit”(这里是一个细节题,因为“觉得比较新”这个原文是在括号里的,容易忽略)


  对于当红歌手,原声比较重要,这个很容易证明,但是对于那些不咋地的歌手,改编歌词更能提高广告影响力,这是为啥呢? 然后研究者又猜测了好几种解释,比如novelty lyrics 等等,例如有貌似是这些人听到歌被改了以后表示不爽,结果反而加深了印象。



  ※ 题目:

  Q1: 主旨

  Q2: 男人对什么广告敏感






  Q4: 问哪一种歌最让人印象深刻

  我选的:男人,高知名度歌手,原声。male high personal significance original lyrics

  Q5: 问下面哪个是研究者没有说的

  Q6: 有一个题是把第一段的是否翻唱是否原声和第三段的男人女人结合起来的考题,


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  DAVID ALLAN Saint Joseph&aposs University dallan@sju.eduThis study examines the fects of popular music in advertising to determine both the theoretical (the fect of popular music on the processing of advertising messages) and practical (the design of more fective advertisements using popular music) implications. An experiment is reported that tested the fects of three integrations of popular music in advertising: original lyrics, altered lyrics, and instrumentals (plus a control treatment with no music) on attention and memory. The results indicated that song vocals, either original or altered, are more fective stimuli of advertising fects than instrumentals or no popular music.But Kahneman (1973) said that attention describes some internal mechanisms that determine the significance not the relevance of stimuli. This suggests that popular music with high or low personal significance will lead to greater or lesser attention to the integrated advertising messages; popular music vocals will be more attention-getting than other treatments; and original popular vocals with high personal significance will be the most fective at getting the attention of the individual.Popular music with original vocals was a more fective stimulus of attention and memory when high in personal significance and popular music with altered vocals was a more fective stimulus of attention and memory when low in personal significanceThe individuals in this experiment processed songs and artists they considered high in personal significance differently from those that were low in significance.... When the artist was significant, the original vocal led to greater brand attention but when the artist was not significant, the altered vocal led to greater brand attention.... It suggests that the level of significance of the music and/or the artist can affect involvement possibly resulting in different processing of the advertising messages.and/or the artist can affect involvement possibly resulting in different processing of the advertising messages. While high personal significance can be a possible explanation for the attentiongaining value of original vocals, low personal significance cannot adequately explain the attention-gaining value of altered vocals. Three possible explanations include thenoveltyof hearing a popular song with altered lyrics (especially the first time); irritationcaused by the changed lyrics; and/or the lack of fit of the song or the artist with the brand. All of these could have been attention-gaining stimuli causing greater attention to the brand and the song. It is clear, however, that lyrics (either original or altered) are important and that even though an interaction was observed for just one song and artist ("The Middle" by Jimmy Eat World) based on the lyrics, the results are of practical importance to advertisers for two primary reasons. First, the use of no music or an instrumental version of a popular song should be avoided. Second, if the advertiser is able to use a popular song that is personally significant to the target market of the brand, then the original vocal version should be used, but if not, an altered vocal version should be considered.Either way, personalsignificance plays a role in the fectiveness of popular music in advertising on attention and memory, brand memory were observed for one of the brands (Sony) for both the song ("Without Me") and the artist (Eminem), with some apparent significant fects for genders. It is interesting to note that for the Kodak brand, males were observed to have greater memory for the brand than females when the song and the artist ("The Middle" by Jimmy Eat World) were highly significant but that females had greater memory for the brand when the song and the artist were low in personal significance. This could suggest that males are more sensitive to the level of personalsignificancethey have for advertising messages integrated in popular music than females, but this would need future research.


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