您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 2月GMAT阅读机经:夏威夷建temple.
※ 主题思路:
为了利用科学发现证明一个夏威夷地方的social rorm
※ 段落大意:
原先历史学家认为夏威夷的一个temple建造的span是250年,但是oral historian却说用了比250年更少的时间,科学家通过新的一种技术研究珊瑚还是啥的来验证他们的想法,科学家用元素追踪技术研究建寺庙时用的珊瑚然后珊瑚的特征让科学家相信它们是比之前认为的建造的更快(有题)
历史学家们无法判断时间是因为没办法根据元素来追踪时间dating techniques,但是最新发现了一种办法是根据coral来判断年份,因为temple的墙上有些植物,包含的元素不同,利用了一个元素叫“U-223”追踪的办法,确定那个TAMPLE应该在某一个时代产生(此处有题,问你为什么作者最后一句话提到这个,我选了说用于表明结论和历史学家们认为的不同).但是后来却又有个实验证明这个TAMPLE并不是在这个时代产生的,说是那个时代不可能有这么快发展的可能,在那个时代people并不是那么推举这个样式的temple 这里还说到一些关于religion 的问题。最后一句的ending是什么of“this single generation”(然后有题是这里的“this single generation”是为了什么)
考古里面的狗主说原文和考到的文章几乎一样 大家仔细看看吧~
Proto-historic Hawaiian temples on the island of Maui may have mushroomed up within just 30 years, not 250 as previously supposed, scientists say. The findings could significantly alter researchers&apos understanding of the pace of precontact sociopolitical change in the Pacific.
Hawaiian genealogies and oral histories hold that sometime around 1600 A.D. a ruler named Pi&aposilani united two opposing chidoms on Maui into a peacul kingdom, marking the emergence of a religious state on the island. Archaeologists had been unable to confirm that sequence of events, however, in part because of the limitations of carbon dating. (一种炭14元素测时间技术)
In the new work, Patrick V. Kirch and Warren D. Sharp of the University of California and Berkeley used another kind of radiometric technique involving thorium-230, rather than carbon-14, to date bits of branch coral that were collected from living res and lt as divine offerings at seven different temples during construction.(部分细节定位题) Dates for these corals, which had been incorporated into walls and platform fill, all fell in a narrow range of 1565 to 16XX A.D., give or take a few years on either end. Moreover, dates on the samples that best rlect the time they were harvested from the sea--those from the coral branch tips--ranged from 1608 to 16xx A.D., an interval of just 30 years. These findings thus point to intensive temple-building during that time. Because temples served as centers for control of production and the collection of surplus goods, the team contends, it seems likely that the construction boom accompanied a profound shift in sociopolitical structure. (第二段有细节题,看仔细)
Kirch and Sharp observe that the conquests described by local oral traditions coincide with these new dates, and would have more than doubled the size of the Maui polity to upwards of 2,360 square kilometers--the magnitude of expansion expected with the formation of an archaic state. "The temples provide tangible archaeological evidence of the speed with which a fundamental sociopolitical transition occurred in proto-historic Hawaii," the authors conclude. Indeed, they note, it may have happened in the span of a single generation of Hawaiians. (证明夏威夷社会政治的发展比预想快,在一代就完成)
※ 题目:
本月狗主考到了 Q4 Q5 Q6
Q1:TOPIC证明夏威夷社会政治的发展比预想的快Q2: What can infer EXCEPT (细节题)
Q3: why scientist cannot prove Hawaii happened in a single period of history originally?
Answer:the limitations of carbon dating.
Q4:问主旨,答案是一种新的方法证明了oral history关于那个岛社会政治发展比原来人们认为的250年要快。
Q5:为什么作者最后一句话提到判断出 temple 的建造时间是a
single generation?
我选了5.。。。(V 28)
V3:这道的答案应该不是原来JJ里的,这道题的答案定位在最后一句话,这句话是两个分句,后半句是t may have happened in the span of a single generation of Hawaiians.,因此答案是前半个分句
V4: 我选D,表明和traditional 科学家的看法一致。 E说 表明那个时候建造的速度uneven。。
provide evidence that social rorm is uneven(注意uneven这个词可以秒选)(v 36)
选项中有:为什么科学家 认为是250年?用coral检验了什么?等等.有个选项是这个庙是为什么建的,还有个那个领导人啥啥啥的
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲