

六月份GMAT考试作文机经 买房比买股票好.

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  V1 by 开心的柠檬

  average prices of investing a home are increasing over the past five years, while average prices of investing in national stock market are declined in the past. So the residents should invest in a home instead of invest in national stock market. Since residents who invest in a home would 坐在家里就享受到房子增值的好处,提升生活质量,而投资股票却不能这样。Therore, residents should invest in a home. 我写了时地全等(五年过去不代表现在);二者择一(可以用a mixed investment strategy);无端假设(投资股票不能提高生活质量);现在想想还能写一个,如果大家都投资房产,那么房产价格可能会不升反跌。

  V2 By hellomorning

  AWA:在一本Real Estate Brochure上有一段论述,说在过去的五年这个城市中的房价已经翻倍,而股市价格却下跌了,因此城市里的居民应该把投资在股市里的钱拿出来买房,人们住在自己拥有的房子中,不仅能够享受到房产增值带来的投资收益,而且Quality of life也会比把钱投入股市时要好。所以,All the Residents should invest their money into a home.

  V3 There is a steady decline of stock market in recent five years, so experts suggest that people should invest their money on the housing market rather than the stock market. The housing can bring benit for investors because the better performance of the housing market, besides, the house can bring the investors more tangible benit because people who own those houses can live in it.

  V4 (感谢wanyanruiyun确认为原题!)Now is the perfect time to buy a house in our city. Over the past five years, average home prices in our region have nearly doubled. But average stock prices in the national stock market have actually declined over the same period. So homeowners have seen an increase in value for their housing investment during the last five years that far exceeds what they could have made by investing in the stock market. Our city’s residents can surely achieve a similar profit over the nest five years. Furthermore, if residents invest in a home, they can enjoy the use of the home while its value increases, whereas money invested in stocks would not contribute to their quality of life in the same way that owning a home would. Therore, all the residents of our city should invest their money in a home


  1.All things equal :五年前的情况 现在可能变化很大, 股票随着很多因素的改变


  3.无根据假设:rich and quality of life


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