您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> GMAT信用卡付款如何解锁?.
Dear Candidate:
In order to prevent credit card fraud, our system will block the card if any information was wrongly entered on MBA.com. To remove the block, our finance team need verify the information including your name, GMAT ID ,card type, card number, card holder name, expiration date and billing address(including state,city and district) in our record,Especially your problem about the issue.
Please send the information to gmatissue@pearsonvue.com.cn at your earliest convenience.
Attention: Subject of mail should be “Remove the block”.
If our finance team confirms everything is fine, the block will be removed accordingly. Then you will be able to order score report or schedule an appointment on MBA.com. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact GMAT customer service at any time.
此外,如解锁后,输入billing address中不要出现任何标点符号并且在输入卡号时不要键入“空格”。
If you have any further questions or inquiries, please feel free to contact us again.
Thank you,
Pearson VUE GMAT Customer Support
China – NEEA Call Center
Web: gmat.etest.edu.cn
E-mail: gmatservice@neea.edu.cn
Telephone: 86-10-62798877(8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday Beijing Time)
Fax: 86-10-82520243
1. 别人发一封,你得发5封以上,突出你的着急。
2.每封都要换个主题,如在remove the block 后面加上help, sos, please, 等等。
5.人家的上班时间和我们的不一样,具体来说,人家在上班后的1个小时就把我解锁了。我早上八点不断发邮件,发了6封,那时时人家晚上的时间。下午4,5 点的时候被解锁的,大概人家刚上班。。效率之高,我感动得想哭了。
第三,祝大家解锁成功,第二次小心填写,千万不要犯错了。billing address是指你收到信用卡账单的地址,不是学校也不是银行地址。不要加空格。expiration date,在你的信用卡上有,我当时就是犯的这个错误。呵呵。好了。
1. 有了这个帖子的信息以后还需要给考试中心打电话吗?
2.Billing adress 和NAME是填中文的吗?
答: 当然啦...全部都要中文...外国人审核,可看不懂中文,其实我很傻的发了一封中文过去了,回了一堆乱码回来了...
billing adress要填你这张卡的寄送账单的地址,比如,你消费后,账单送到的是你家还是公司?你办的时候申请的时侯填的什么?自己翻成英语吧。嘻嘻...
Dear Candidate:
In order to prevent credit card fraud, our system will block the card if any information was wrongly entered on MBA.com. To remove the block, our finance team need verify the information including your name, GMAT ID ,card type, card number, card holder name, expiration date and billing address(including state,city and district) in our record,Especially your problem about the issue.
Please send the information to gmatissue@pearsonvue.com.cn at your earliest convenience.
Attention: Subject of mail should be “Remove the block”.
If our finance team confirms everything is fine, the block will be removed accordingly. Then you will be able to order score report or schedule an appointment on MBA.com. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact GMAT customer service at any time.
此外,如解锁后,输入billing address中不要出现任何标点符号并且在输入卡号时不要键入“空格”。
If you have any further questions or inquiries, please feel free to contact us again.
Thank you,
Pearson VUE GMAT Customer Support
China – NEEA Call Center
Web: gmat.etest.edu.cn
E-mail: gmatservice@neea.edu.cn
Telephone: 86-10-62798877(8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday Beijing Time)
Fax: 86-10-82520243
阅读全文Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲