


2017/08/10 07:25:08 编辑: 浏览次数:167 移动端

  There are as many MBA career transitions as there are MBAs. Two people at the same business school, from the same industry, graduating in the same year can go on to do very different things, with their MBA helping them in different ways. Whether you’re looking to set up a business, switch to a sector that really excites you, find opportunities in those much-talked-about emerging markets or return to your previous firm with new responsibilities, pursuing an MBA can be the dining turn in your professional life.


  Here are just a few of the ways MBA graduates have used their program to make some unique career transitions.


  1. Head to Silicon Valley


  French engineer David Axelrad used his MBA at Grenoble Graduate School of Business to explore new business opportunities for his employer STMicroelectronics. His findings impressed STM so much that they shifted him from an engineering role in France to a business role in California.


  Brandon Yahn gave up a well-paid management consulting career and headed to Berkeley’s Haas School of Business in 2010. Yahn, whose first degree was in engineering, has always wanted to work in the tech start-up world and while at Haas he landed an internship at Bay Area software firm Evernote, which will help his shift to a start-up or VC firm.


  2. Do business in other regions of the world


  Italian Claudio Scotto graduated with an MBA from the UK’s Aston Business School in 2000. Ten years later, his MBA combined with his manufacturing experience, gave him the confidence to start West Africa’s first fruit juice processing plant, exporting Sierra Leonean mango juice to Germany. His firm, Africa Felix has been covered on CNN


  British music industry executive Michael Shaw was at the MBA program at the UK’s Open University Business School when he learned about volunteering opportunities in Africa. After his MBA, he went to South Africa to volunteer with his wife, and ended up setting up a consulting firm there with clients including USAID and the World Bank. He says he wouldn’t have been able to win those contracts without his MBA.

  英国音乐行业高管Michael Shaw就读英国开放大学的MBA课程时候,得知有一个去非洲担任自愿者的机会。当他MBA毕业后,他与他的妻子作为志愿者去了南非,并最终建立了一家咨询公司,他的客户中包括美国开发署和世界银行。他表示如果他没有参加MBA课程,他将不可能赢得这些客户。

  3. Land a job on Wall Street


  Beirut-born Karim Jaroudi had worked in investment banking in Dubai, London and Singapore for four years when he took a break and embarked on the HEC Paris – NYU Stern dual degree MBA. With access to alumni across two continents from two prestigious universities, he landed a job as an investment banking Associate in New York City on graduation.

  出生于贝鲁特的karim jaroudi在迪拜,英国和新加坡的投资银行工作了4年后,停下了工作,进入法国巴黎高等商学院纽约大学斯特恩商学院获得双MBA学位。通过与这横跨两个州的著名大学校友接触,顺利获得了在毕业后获得了一份在纽约投资银行的工作。

  Chicago native Arthur Williams was the first person from his family to go to college. He went on to work at a private equity firm in Chicago and it was there that he first heard of Wharton, from a partner who had been at the school. After his own Wharton MBA, Williams headed to New York to take up a position as a vice president at a middle-market private equity firm.

  芝加哥当地人Arthur Williams是他们家第一个上大学的人。在一家芝加哥私人公司的工作的时候,他从一个毕业于沃顿的朋友那里第一次听到这个沃顿名字。当他用了沃顿的MBA学位后,Willian来到纽约,成为了一个中型私募股份公司的副总。

  4. Become an entrepreneur now… or in a few years


  Just one year after completing an MBA at London’s Imperial College Business School, music-obsessed Israeli Nadav Poraz set up WhoSampled.com, a site that allows its users to discover and discuss sampled music, remixes and cover songs. The site is now a hitin the US, the UK, France, Germany and Canada.

  仅仅从伦敦帝国理工商学院MBA专业毕业一年后,痴迷于音乐的以色列人Nadav Poraz建立了一个名为WhoSampled.com的网站,这个网站可以他的使用者发现和讨论样本音乐,混音和翻唱歌曲,这个网站目前在美国,英国,法国,德国和加拿大都有不小的知名度。

  An MBA at the Australian Graduate School of Management helped Paul Gray get a job at innovative product strategy consultancy BrainMates, in Sydney. But it was his MBA, in particular the grounding it gave him in finance, that gave Paul and his partners, the confidence to set up kids’ online gaming firm Bubble Gum Interactive. They recently secured US$1 million in funding.

  澳大利亚管理学院的MBA学位帮助Paul Gray顺利获得一家位于悉尼的创新产品战略咨询公司的工作。而且他的MBA课程给他的经济头脑,给了Paul和他的合作者足够的自信去建立了一个儿童在线游戏公司Bubble Gum Interactive。最近刚刚获得了100万美金的风险投资。

  5. Bring more value to your industry


  British-born Nicholas Miles worked for Japanese transportation firm NYK logistics for ten years in Europe and Asia, ending up as Deputy General Manager in Shanghai in 2006. Shortly after completing his MBA at Lancaster University Management School in the UK he was hired by auction house Christie’s as Transport Director, in charge of transporting goods worth millions of dollars around the globe. He was recently in charge of handling the Elizabeth Taylor collection, and that turned over around US$9.5 million!

  出生于英国的Nicholas Miles在日本运输公司NYK后勤部工作了十年,最后在2006年在上海辞去了副总经理的职位。当他读完了兰卡斯特大学管理学院的MBA后,他很快就受雇于佳士得拍卖行担任运输主管,负责的货物均价值几百万美金。他最近负责收集伊丽莎白泰勒的收藏,价格超过950万美元。

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