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  1. 调整生物钟 9:00开始考试

  2. 欲善其事先利其器:电脑答题专用铅笔+绘图橡皮

  3. 模考冲刺按时间做题,因为有可能出现30分钟时间内做不完题的现象。在模考阶段调节好pace

  4. 早餐以清淡为主,+coffee/red bull/dove让自已兴奋起来。

  5. 心态很重要:不急噪,不慌乱;考前压力大模考成绩会有所起伏,只有稳定按照计划进行

  6. 认真分析模考冲刺班的题型和题目,因为是标准化考试,就意味着 the same question types and topics appear again and again




  1. What these people were waiting for would not have been apparent to others and was perhaps not very---their own minds.

  (A) obscure to

  (B) intimate to

  (C) illusory to

  (D) difficult for

  (E) dinite in



  2. The attempt to breed suitable varieties of jojoba by using hybridization to---favorable traits was finally abandoned in favor of a simpler and much faster---: the domestication of flourishing wild strains.

  (A) eliminate.. alternative

  (B) reinforce.. method

  (C) allow.. creation

  (D) reduce.. idea

  (E) concentrate.. theory

  分析: by题型,encouraged by encouragement,所以本题by前后方向相同,所以空格应为breed同义词可选项为B E,冒号后边解释说明,后边给出了一种方式,驯化野生植物,所以答案为B。


  3. According to one political theorist, a regime that has as its goal absolute---, without any---law or principle, has declared war on justice.

  (A) respectability.. codification of

  (B) supremacy .. suppression of

  (C) autonomy .. accountability to

  (D) fairness .. deviation from

  (E) responsibility .. prioritization of

  分析:本句核心结构为 a regime has declared war on justice 条件为without,在没有什么情况下就宣布战争,所以本题为C。在不屈服于法律和原则情况下,宣战。

  答案: C

  4. Despite its ---, the book deals---with a number of crucial issues.

  (A) optimism .. cursorily

  (B) importance .. needlessly

  (C) virtues .. inadequately

  (D) novelty .. strangely

  (E) completeness .. thoroughly

  分析:一看逗号找谓语,以逗号为分隔点,逗号左边出现了despite 说明上下文相反,且两个空都来描述the book所以应为反义词。具有模糊反义词关系的只有C。


  5. Although frequent air travelers remain unconvinced, researchers have found that, paradoxically, the---disorientation inherent in jet lag also may yield some mental health---.

  (A) temporal.. benits

  (B) acquired.. hazards

  (C) somatic .. disorders

  (D) random .. diciencies

  (E) typical .. standards

  分析:一看逗号找谓语,以逗号为分隔点,逗号左边出现了although本可以根据转折关系上下文相反,但although这句线索不明朗,所以只能根据主句部分直接做题,paradoxically说明这句本身出现了矛盾。Disorientation inherent in jet lag因时差而出现迷路,显然发生了不好的事,根据paradoxically说明下边一定出现了好的一面,与好有关的选项只是benit,所以本题答案为A。


  6. Ironically, the proper use of figurative language must be based on the denotative meaning of the words, because it is the failure to recognize this---meaning that leads to mixed metaphors and their attendant incongruity.

  (A) esoteric

  (B) literal

  (C) latent

  (D) allusive

  (E) symbolic

  分析:一看逗号找谓语,以逗号为分隔点,右边出现了because,因为爱所以爱题型,所以上下文同义重复,但下文出现了failure所以上下文相反,所以选figurative 的反义词,所以本题为B。


  7. Although it seems---that there would be a greater risk of serious automobile accidents in densely populated areas, such accidents are more likely to occur in sparsely populated regions.

  (A) paradoxical

  (B) axiomatic

  (C) anomalous

  (D) irrelevant

  (E) portentous

  分析:一看逗号找谓语,以逗号为分隔点,左边出现了although 上下文相反,因为densely populated与sparsely populated已为相反,所以空格应与more likely相同所以答案只能选B。



  1. If the theory is self-evidently true, as its proponents assert, then why does---it still exist among well-informed people?

  (A) support for

  (B) excitement about

  (C) regret for

  (D) resignation about

  (E) opposition to

  分析:一看逗号找谓语,以逗号为分隔点,if 条件句同义重复,但下文出现了反问,所以本题是反义重复关系,上文self-evidently true,所以下文not true.,所以本题选E。


  2. Although the ---of cases of measles has ---,researchers fear that eradication of the disease, once believed to be imminent, may not come soon.

  (A) occurrence.. continued

  (B) incidence.. declined

  (C) prediction.. resumed

  (D) number.. increased

  (E) study.. begun

  分析:一看逗号找谓语,以逗号为分隔点,左边出现了although,所以上下文相反,所以下文说 eradication may not come 则上文说eradication may come 所以构成这层含义选项只有B。


  3. Nothing---his irresponsibility better than his--- delay in sending us the items he promised weeks ago.

  (A) justifies.. conspicuous

  (B) characterizes.. timely

  (C) epitomizes.. unnecessary

  (D) reveals.. conscientious

  (E) conceals.. inexplicable

  分析: nothing better than 表达最高级,所以本题想通过后面的delay来说明前面的不负责任。所以本题选C


  4. The author did not see the---inherent in her scathing criticism of a writing style so similar to her own.

  (A) disinterest

  (B) incongruity

  (C) pessimism

  (D) compliment

  (E) symbolism

  分析:离空格最近的短语将决定空格的方向。本题中出现了形容词短语所以分析一下其特点就知道选哪个选项了。Inherent in her scathing criticism of a writing style so similar to her own. 她所批判的写风格和她自已的如此相似,所以形容词短语部分出现了自相矛盾。所以本题可以选的是B 不合协,不一致。


  5. Whereas the Elizabethans struggled with the transition from medieval---experience to modern individualism, we confront an electronic technology that seems likely to reverse the trend, rendering individualism obsolete and interdependence mandatory.

  (A) literary

  (B) intuitive

  (C) corporate

  (D) heroic

  (E) spiritual

  分析:1、动作反义,transition from A to B前后互为相反,后面是individualism,所以前面是corporate

  2、时间对比型,medieval modern 时间相反一切相反,所以答案是C。


  6. Our biological uniqueness requires that the fects of a substance must be verified by---experiments, even after thousands of tests of the fects of that substance on animals.

  (A) controlled

  (B) random

  (C) replicated

  (D) human

  (E) evolutionary



  7. Today water is more---in landscape architecture than ever bore, because technological advances have made it easy, in some instances even ---to install water features in public places.

  (A) conspicuous.. prohibitive

  (B) sporadic.. fortless

  (C) indispensable.. intricate

  (D) ubiquitous.. obligatory

  (E) controversial.. unnecessary

  分析:因果关系同义重复。 因为技术进步使其容易,所以在风景建筑中更加普便。Even递进程度加深,表达更加容易obligatory。所以答案选D。



  1.(:SENTENCE) While scientists dismiss as fanciful the idea of sudden changes in a genetic code (spontaneous mutation), it is possible that nature, like some master musician, ---- on occasion, departing from the expected or predictable.

  (A) repeats

  (B) improvises

  (C) ornaments

  (D) corrects

  (E) harmonizes

  分析:离空格最近的短语将决定空格方向,departing from the expected or predictable 所以本题选择B。


  2.(SENTENCE) Despite the ---- of time, space, and history, human societies the world over have confronted the same existential problems and have come to remarkably ---- solutions, differing only in superficial details.

  (A) continuity..identical

  (B) uniformity.. diverse

  (C) actualities.. varied

  (D) contingencies.. similar

  (E) exigencies.. unique

  分析:尽管本题看似是一道despite题型,但是这个点不好做,不如直接看and题型:形式对称且含义相同,所以本题选the same的同义词,又因为离空格最近的短语将决定空格方向,differing only superficial details 所以不能选A identical,只能选similar。


  3.(:SENTENCE) Although he was known to be extremely ---- in his public behavior, scholars have discovered that his diaries were written with uncommon ----.

  (A) reserved.. frankness

  (B) polite.. tenderness

  (C) modest.. lucidity

  (D) reticent.. vagueness

  (E) withdrawn.. subtlety

  分析:以逗号为分割,左边出现了although所以上下文相反且两空都在描述he 的特点,所以选反义词。


  4.(SENTENCE) With the ---- of scientific knowledge, work on the new edition of a textbook begins soon after completion of the original.

  (A) limitation

  (B) culmination

  (C) veneration

  (D) certainty

  (E) burgeoning



  5.(SENTENCE) She is most frugal in matters of business, but in her private life she reveals a streak of ----.

  (A) antipathy

  (B) misanthropy

  (C) virtuosity

  (D) equanimity

  (E) prodigality



  6.(SENTENCE) If the state government&aposs latest budget problems were ----, it would not be usul to employ them as ----examples in the fort to avoid theinevitable fects of shortsighted fiscal planning in the future.

  (A) typical.. representative

  (B) exceptional.. aberrant

  (C) anomalous.. illuminating

  (D) predictable.. helpful

  (E) solvable.. insignificant

  分析:二空修饰examples 其后面的介词短语是个正评价词,也是来描述example,所以对于例子也是正评价,可选的选项有CD两个。而在it would 后边出现了否定词not,所以上下文相反,选反义词。


  7.(SENTENCE) Just as some writers have ---- the capacity of language to express meaning, Giacometti ----the failure of art to convey reality.

  (A) scoffed at .. adjured

  (B) demonstrated.. exemplified

  (C) denied.. ruted

  (D) proclaimed.. affirmed

  (E) despaired of .. bewailed

  分析:just as s v o, s vo,表示正如…一样,下文也发生了相同的事,两空同为谓语,所以应为同义词。



  1.(SENTENCE) In spite of the fact that it is convenient to divide the life span of animals into separate stages such as prenatal, adolescent, and senescent, these periods are not really----.

  (A) advanced

  (B) variable

  (C) repeatable

  (D) connected

  (E) distinct

  分析:以逗号为分隔点,逗号左边出现了in spite of 说明上下文相反,而下文出现了not,所以空格与上文相同,根据空格与关键separate=distinct。


  2.(SENTENCE) Although the number of reported volcanic eruptions has risen exponentially since 1850. This indicates not ---- volcanic activity but rather more widespread and ---- record keeping.

  (A) abating..detailed

  (B) increasing..systematic

  (C) substantial..erratic

  (D) stable..superficial

  (E) consistent..meticulous

  分析:一看逗号找谓语,以逗号为分隔点,逗号左边出现了although 说明上下文相反,下文出现了not所以空格与上文相同,rise=increase所以本题为B。


  3.(SENTENCE) The challenge of interpreting fictional works written under politically repressive regimes lies in distinguishing what is ---- to an author&aposs belis, as opposed to what is ---- by political coercion.

  (A) innate.. understood

  (B) organic.. imposed

  (C) contradictory.. conveyed

  (D) oblique.. captured

  (E) peripheral.. demanded

  分析:by 题型,特征为直接重复。encouraged by encouragement by coercion ,所以二空为coerced。五个选项中具备coerced含义的只有BE,因为distinguish出现两个what 从句为反义重复。第二个what 从句说是强迫的,那么一空则表示是非强迫的,所以是organic作者意图的有机组成部分。

  答案: B

  4.(SENTENCE) I am often impressed by my own ---- other people&aposs idiocies: what is harder to ---- is that they. In their folly, are equally engaged in putting up with mine.

  (A) analysis of.. justify

  (B) forbearance toward.. underestimate

  (C) exasperation with .. credit

  (D) involvement in .. allow

  (E) tolerance of .. appreciate

  分析:冒号后边解释说明,上文发生了什么事,下文也发生相同的事。冒号后是对上文重复所以一空,put up with=tolerance所以本题为E。


  5.(SENTENCE) Despite vigorous protestations, the grin on the teenager&aposs face ----her denial that she had known about the practical joke bore it was played on her parents.

  (A) belied

  (B) illustrated

  (C) reinforced

  (D) exacerbated

  (E) trivialized

  分析:the grin (露齿而笑,表达认同、了解),与后面的denial(拒绝)刚好构成了动作上的相反,选动作反义的的词,动作上反义的词常见有四大类:1.掩盖类 mask belie repress 2.代替类 substitute/replace/supplant/surrogate 3.变化类:from to / vary/change/shift 4.消除、调整类 undermine mediate obviate reconcile


  6. (SENTENCE)Far from undermining the impression of permanent decline, the ---- statue, seemed emblematic of its ---- surroundings.

  (A) indecorous.. opulent

  (B) grandiose.. ramshackle

  (C) pretentious.. simple

  (D) ungainly.. elegant

  (E) tawdry.. blighted

  分析:far from undermining 双重否定表达肯定,所以本句话要说的是永久衰退的一种情况,因为是描述雕像的,所以两空都是负评价,答案E。


  7.(:SENTENCE) Despite the fact that it is almost universally ----, the practice of indentured servitude still ---- in many parts of the world.

  (A) condemned… abates

  (B) tolerated.. survives

  (C) proscribed.. persists

  (D) mandated.. lingers

  (E) disdained.. intervenes

  分析: 一看逗号找谓语,以逗号为分隔点,逗号左边出现了despite 说明上下文相反,且两个空都来描述the book所以应为反义词。


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