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政治家的广告propaganda are quite ____ : 其实他们都有自己的____,尽管他们试图去隐藏抹杀竞选者之间的不同
政治家的广告propaganda are quite ____: 其实他们都有自己的,尽管他们试图去隐藏抹杀竞选者之间的____(填空的位置不同)
政治家的广告propaganda are quite____:同样的广告形式,...yet also____底下本质的difference
同一题的两种考法 polemic... Belie
一个女作家_____polemic, 所以她的作品具有_____特征是令人惊讶的
aversion …… provokative
政府为了防止rage famine from pest..要求 private household ____ to _____
subordinate to…...establishment/protection
The ideas expressed in the art historian’s book are more_____ than one would expect on the basis of her rather _____ treatment of her subject in the opening pages
idea好理解,不像开篇那样不好理解,反义 accessible… recondite
Given her previously expressed interest and the ambitious tone of her recent speeches, the senator’s attempt to convince the public that she is not interest in running for a second term is _____
同一道题的变体 futile
说对某种鸟类的研究数据太____,不能怎样怎样,所以要求科学家进行更_____的研究 paucity….exhaustive
有个人的chessboard(棋艺)_____,无人能比 diplomacy // acumen
Although it is exaggeration, as critic said, that his works are completely____, one does admit that his work is _____
Although critics exaggerated that his novel was_____, you don’t necessarily think that his writing technique was____
虽然评论家说他的作品是抄袭的,但是他的作品其实不是抄袭的 derivative….unoriginal
Because early United States writers thought that the mark of great literature was grandiosity and elegance not to be found in common speech, they____ the vernacular
认为方言不好,所以避免方言 avoided // eschew
science总是dy common sense,但是并不总是_________,随着时间的推移, science________ common sense antithesis….altered
cell organism 和蜜蜂的生殖行为:说cell organism的生殖是coordinate的,however, 蜜蜂的生殖与cell organism相比______. 生殖reproduction engender.
Honeybee 的colonies是cooperative的,但是honeybee的individual却____ cooperative的反义 autonomy
学术评论家对popular novel的评论的态度______: 越流行,越____
若态度好,越流行越好,若态度差,越流行越差 reconcile…superficial
If aging is merely avoidable by product of life, rather than necessary outcome, it is possible that people might forestall_________
若衰老不是必然的,那么人么也许能阻止衰老 senescence n.衰老
Though his contemporaries tended to fixate on the politician&aposs supposed _______, his personal correspondence _______ a surprising largesse
大家说他很贪婪,但实际上他很慷慨 avarice. . . . . . . . Betrays
人们彻底地研究了一些scientific works 从而_____以前的历史学家一些只注重_____的说法
崇尚科学,打倒迷信 challenge….superstition
Usually the legislators on the two sides would ___ any tempt to come to the middle ground, but their recent actions betray the more willing to ___ a compromise
两党派不同意妥协,但他们的行动betray(泄露)了他们愿意妥协 disavow …. Countenance(赞成)
a researcher ____ his scientific rigor with quantitative methods, but his theory is hobbled, ______ with other theories that are well fit with quantitative methods
题目残缺,见下题完整 identifying….limited
By _____ scientific rigor with a quantitative approach, researchers in the social sciences may often have _____ their scope to those narrowly circumscribed topics that are well suited to quantitative methods.
为了能使用数学严格证明,social science被限制在了可解的几个模型中 identifying….limited
She ___ abstracting detailed reality, thus she can successful expressed ___
反对细节,崇尚简约 Disdain(侮辱) … minimalism(极简派艺术)
The meeting seemed _______, not just because decisions were made with excessive deliberation, but also because the director was so ________ as to provoke extremely lengthy debate
会议很长,lengthy=interminable interminable …… tendentious
Even though the scientists have gathered a _____ majority of information, their understanding of the incident is still _____
虽然多,但仍肤浅,反义 vast …… superficial
For those Puritans who believed that _____ obligations were imposed by divine will, the correct course of action was not withdrawal from the world but conscientious _____ of the duties of business.(No.3-2) secular.. Discharge
Mathematicians have a distinctive sense of beauty they strive to present their ideas and results in a clear and compelling fashion, dictated by ______ as well as by logic
beauty = aestheticsaesthetics
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲