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对于GRE数学考试而言,想要取得理想的成绩,一定要在复习的时候多做练习题,巩固知识点,分析出题思路,下面澳际教育小编就给大家归纳一些重点的GRE数学题。   算术也是GRE数学考试的重头戏之一,要复习GRE数学考试的算术类,不妨从下面的的典型GRE数学题开始吧。   31.The number of different prime factors of 48   The number of different prime factors of 72   答案:C   32.The number of different positive divisors of 12   The number of different positive divisors of 50   答案:C   33.The number that is as much GREater than 63 as it is less than 101   84   答案:B   34. A K-number is a positive integer with the special property that 3 times its units’ digit is equal to 2 times its tens’digit.   The number of K-numbers between 10 and 99   3   答案:C   35.Of the following which is GREatest?   A.1/2   B.7/15   C.49/100   D.126/250   E.1999/4000   答案:D   36.If n=pqr, where p,q, and r are three different positive prime numbers, how many different positive divisors does n have, including 1 and n?   A.3   B.5   C.6   D.7   E.8   答案:E   37.11*13*17*19*23   A decrease of 1 in which of the factors above would result in the GREatest decrease in the product?   A.11   B.13   C.17   D.19   E.23   答案:A   38.Which of the following numbers is not the sum of three consecutive odd integers?   A.15   B.75   C.123   D.297   E.313   答案:E   39.A dresser drawer contains 15 garments. If 40 percent of those garments are blouses, how many are not blouses?   A.6   B.8   C.9   D.10   E.12   答案:C   40.If a certain company purchased its computer terminals for a total of $540,400 and each of the terminals was purchased for $350, how many terminals did the company purchase?   A.1,624   B.1,544   C.1,434   D.1,384   E.1,264   答案:B   以上就是澳际教育小编给大家归纳的重点GRE数学考试题,大家在备考GRE数学考试的时候,可以做做这些练习题,希望能够对大家的GRE数学考试有所帮助。 澳际六步曲第二步为您进行考试指导,澳际培训核心思维颠覆国内传统大班无差异化批发模式,采取一对一个性化教学,辅之小班精英辅导应试方法和学生英语能力结合,考试辅导和留学规划一体化行动,学生国际化英语思维构建及西方人文知识和视野的开拓并重。 我们具体的服务项目如下: 1. 免费测评模考,分析申请人的问题,制作考试测评报告和备考指导 2. 结合申请人的申请目标和考试基础,制定考试整体规划及时间安排 3. 提供对申请人有帮助的考试经验和机经等 4. 根据需要提供免费口语模拟和指导服务 5. 免费修改作文4篇 6. 考前心理指导,调整考前心理状态


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