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  Panda bear is a kind of docile lovely animal in the southwest of China. Its cherubic appearance and awkward movement appeals to not only children but also adults. It symbolizes the spirit of peace and harmony, which is cherished by Chinese people. Expansion of human activities to wild areas has caused a sharp decrease in the number of panda bears.



  *"displays unity, progression, and coherence, though connection of ideas may be occasionally obscured" (iBT Independent Writing 3分评分标准)

  *"develops and organizes ideas satisfactorily but may notconnect them with transitions"

  (GRE Argument 4分评分标准)

  *"is limited in its organization or focus, or may demonstrate some lapses in coherence or progression of ideas" (Sat Write an Essay 3分评分标准)


  那么到底甚么是Transitions呢?在GRE考试中又被称作Transitional devices,连接元件。笔者尝试对之做出定义:Transitions是出现在文章中的一种词,短语甚至句子,其目的是用来表明它前后两部分之间的逻辑关系的,它的用处是能够帮助读者自然地从作者的一个idea转移到下一个idea,使用的结果可以使文章的逻辑性更强,更加连贯。打个比方来说,它很像道路上引导旅者的标志牌(They are like the road signs that guide travelers-College Writing Skills)。之所以说"前后两部分",是因为Transitions的前后可能是两个段落,两句话,甚至两个单词,它们彼此之间都会存在各种各样的逻辑关系,比如说:获得更多gre考试咨询点击进入>>>>澳际免费咨询顾问或联系QQ客服:

  *Addition: and, in addition, additionally, one, another, first of all, secondly, furthermore, moreover

  *Time: then, after, bore, since, once, until, meanwhile, now, during

  *Space: next to, across, above, below, nearby

  *Change-of-direction: but, yet, however, otherwise, nevertheless, although, in contrast, on the contrary

  *Conclusion: because, so, therore, as a result, consequently, thus, in summary, conclude

  其实还有很多其他关系,其他的词,这几种是比较常见的。我们发现这种transitions的出现方式非常多样,包含了很多词性:连词,介词,副词,动词等等,还有很多短语,所以把它称之为Transitional devices是非常恰当的。

  针对Transitional devices前后可以是段落,句子以及单词,我们分别举几个例子:

  *Among paragraphs:

  In the first place, human always like exploring the world around, especially mysterious fields…………

  Besides human&aposs curiosity, to explore dangerous fields draws them away from daily routine and boredom.……

  Finally, although these dangerous activities may not bring us any material reward, they bring forth a lot of psychological benits.……

  这是一篇托福作文的三个中间段的topic sentence,可以看出三段分别论证了人类参加危险运动的三条理由(好奇心,找刺激以及精神的愉悦),彼此之间的并列关系,是通过In the first place, Besides,Finally这三个Transitional devices来体现的


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