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  英语常用并列连词来毗连两个或两个以上的齐截成分,而这种结构我们称之为并列平行结构,而斗劲常用的连词有:and, but, so, yet, for, nor, or , not only…but also, either…or,以及neither…nor等等。、


  In fact, privatization has not only rescued individual industries and a whole economy headed for disaster, but has also raised the level of performance in every area.这句话的中辞意思是:事实上,私成仙不仅拯救了个体企业和走向杀绝的整个经济,而且还提高了各行业的运作水平。

  在这个句子中,用and毗连了individual industries和a whole economy这两个作为动词rescued的宾语,而且还使用了not only…but also毗连了rescued和raised这两个动词指导的平行的谓语成分。


  例如:We were singing and dancing.我们又唱又跳。The old lady fell down in the street and broke her leg.老太婆颠仆在街上,腿都摔断了(暗示结不美观)。Fix the bicycle and I’ll pay you $6.修理这辆自行车,我就付给你6美元(暗示前提)。He finished his homework and made for the dining room.他作完家庭功课后去了食堂(暗示持续)。The girl grows up and still knows nothing about her family.这女孩长大了,对家里的事仍是全无所闻(暗示对比)。

  此外其他的并列连词都各暗示分歧的意义:but,yet暗示对比;either…or…, neither…nor…暗示选择;so暗示结不美观;for暗示原因等等。

  But since the consequences of poverty are related to powerlessness, not to the absolute supply of money available to the poor, and since the amount of power purchasable with a given supply of money decreases as a society acquires a larger supply of goods and services, the solution of raising the incomes of the poor is likely, unless accompanied by other measures, to be infective in a wealthy society.

  句子解析:这个句子的两个since指导的处于并列关系的原因状语从句,在主句中unless accompanied by other measures作为插入语暗示让步朋分了谓语部门。


  The time has long since arrived to recognize commercial representation as a profession per se, the successful exercise of which is positively correlated with carul initial selection of commercial representatives, the level and content of their formal education and specialized training, the length and variety of their pertinent experience, and the quality of support they receive from the trade promotion or ministry at home.

  句子解析:这句话的主干部门十分短小:The time has long. Since指导的状语从句部门都是为了声名驻外商务代表成为专门的营业时其相关的一些情形,在exercise of后面的which代表的是commercial representation,后面有几个用and毗连的与选择好驻外商务代表相关的要考虑的工具: the level and content of their formal education and specialized training; the length and variety of their pertinent experience和the quality of support。





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