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  1. 句型:

  1) 背景

  1. With a large range of potential jobs to choose from, XX are more likely to …

  2. It is absolutely true that people nowadays undergo great pressures that come from various aspects, including work, school, economy, and so forth.

  2) 观点展示

  … plays an crucial role in …

  Whether …or not depends on …

  3) 举例句

  1. This point is best illustrated with the example of …

  4) 加分句型:

  状语前置:Gradually, …

  In order to …, one should to

  强调句:It is not until recent years that people began to realize the severity of global warming.

  被动句:Measures need to be taken to insure the quality of higher education

  插入语:Continuing costs for sports, on the other hand, are relatively …

  …… , to some extent, ……某种程度上

  倒装句:Only if/when …does + 陈述句 (在Topic Sentence之后用)

  Hardly did people realize the importance of protecting environment (几乎没有)

  比喻句:… is as adj. as …适合开头结尾


  There is a man who is …

  I have been to Tibet in 2009, where I met a nice person.

  … is a good …, which is …

  5) 其他

  … be supposed to do …

  … is a lifelong process

  … is a main driving force behind …

  … be inextricably intertwined with …

  Nothing could be accomplished without …

  No better chance could be found to do something than doing something.

  It’s no exaggeration to say that …

  For one thing, …for another,…

  … is not a panacea for …(某种方案不是解决某个问题的万能药)

  … would expand one’s horizon.

  … shape our understanding of …

  With the development of society, …

  As a result, …

  Develop a good habit

  … cultivate a reasonable attitude towards …

  All of this just lead to children not …(wasting money any more)


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