

潘小峰GRE写作系列 双重批改提高作文能力.

2017/08/10 02:03:55 编辑: 浏览次数:215 移动端




  但是也有不足。我们来看一个“过来人”的经历:“对于参加互改的同学,有一点应该注意,就是当初我们组遇到的问题:大家对AW到底应该关注些什么东西都不太熟悉,导致大家的互改都没有改到真正要改的地方上去。”“我觉得我们那个小组盖了一个多月,就是都在改一些边边角角的东西,基本在瞎忙,除了克服了对写作的恐惧心理,提高了点英语写作的熟练程度之外没啥实质性进 展。”





  The speaker asserts that educators should assess the students&apos learning on the ability to explain the ideas, trends, and concepts that those facts illustrate not on students&apos grasp of facts. In my view, this statement is too absolute(用extreme,会不会合适一点?).The educators assess the students learning on which aspect depend on the disciplines or the content the students learn .(病句)The speaker&aposs opinion does(is)not suitable for all conditions(个人觉得用circumstances或situations,会恰当一点).


  【潘老师: absolute或extreme本身就是最高级了,不能用too修饰,建议用英语词典查一个合适的用extreme的搭配。另外第二句可以作全文的中心论点句,请根据上文基础句法重写,要清楚简洁(a clear position)。】

  When the students of art learn the course about the prominent painter&aposs

  (painters’)works .(,)It(it) is hard to imagine the teacher just demand students to recite the fact or the details of the pictures. This rote memorization just exercises students&apos memory and they can comprehend little about(记得comprehend 后面不用接介词的) the artist&aposs real thought .On the country

  (是要说On the contrary吗?)teachers should recommend the artist&aposs ideas and the trend of art of the artist&aposs period .Without understanding the Picasso&aposs ideas of arts,the students cannot really comprehend his unthinkable creativity .Without knowing the Beethoven&aposs life

  (写到life,感觉偏题了),the students cannot understand the intension of each music(each piece of music?). That is why just remember(remembering) the facts is useless and inficiency.

  第二段都在举例子,可惜没有分析和论点,比较unpersuasive。缺乏逻辑性,例如理解ideas, trends and concepts是为了全面透彻地理解,而透彻的理解是为了应用还是其他什么的?这样起码有个观点,也有点逻辑。

  【潘老师: 赞同amber同学的意见。该段缺少一个topic sentence--最好平白直接写在段首,让读者知道是对中心论点的承接和展开。关于艺术的例子有新意,但是需要表达清楚,让读者明白例子与topic sentence有直接的联系(relevant reasons and/ or examples)。】

  But sometimes, without the large number of facts, the student&aposs(students) will(be)bewildered and confused about the ideas, trends or concepts .For instance, when students learn history, they should first recite a lot of events and the period of each events. Then they will have entire concept to (of)the history. If they can connect these events by times(time) ,the trends of this period will be clear without learning. That is why people say accumulation is so significant that when we know more facts, it will connect each other naturally .(病句。把两句话合并了)That is why we cannot ignore the importance of the facts in some cases.(句式重复了,也模糊了要表达的意思)


  【潘老师:段首可以做topic sentence即分论点。事实是分析的必要材料--思路不错,最好跟教育评估联系起来。可以联系到评估重视事实方面的测试,也就鼓励教学上重视对事实的讲解。比如历史方面,可以说个细致例子。】

  Besides, when we study some disciplines such as physics, we should learn the fact and the idea or concept at same time . For the facts is easier to understand(be understood),we can conduct some experiments and remember the fact or formula first so that we can resolve the practical questions.(前面几句话的逻辑好像有点问题。) Then learn the ideas or concepts of the facts which can help us remember the fact easily and use it flexible(flexibly). That means it is better to connect the facts and ideas or concepts in (去掉)sometimes. Without each part (是不是可以改成缺失了任何一部分?),the knowledge will be not entire which will have bad fect to understand and apply of it(cause certain difficulties in being understood and applied).


  【潘老师:段首依然可以做论点句,还要表述清楚一些,以便与中心论点句建立直接联系。genshu是否想说某些情况下,对事实与解释能力的评估也同等重要?那么论点之后可以稍做解释,然后举个带细节的例子。单纯解释的话,读者很难see what you mean. 请参看OG issue 4分例子,就是举了孩子把玩具让给别人的例子,是不是很有画面感?带出作者和读者双方共有的普遍经验,说理就比较好理解了。】

  Although grasp(of) the ideas trends or concepts do(is more) important than just grasp(of) the fact in sometime (under some circumstances),the speaker is too hasty to convince(conclude?) that it can suit to all the conditions for teachers to assess a students(student). On the contrary, the teachers of different disciplines should have different standards to assess their students.




  【潘老师:结尾段一般是重述自己的中心论点,稍微改写下。没有必要再把另一speaker扯进来。在写作技能训练的初阶,先把自己的观点清楚表达出来,而不宜把别人的观点拉进来--易造成混乱。Express your main idea clearly. Explain your points in detail. Make reader understand your point fully. 官方指南上的4分文章很有参考价值。】


  对于AW(analytical writing)新手而言, 一定要有所为,有所不为,也即是每次FOCUS一个重点! 各个击破! 每次写好一个句子,再写一个段落;或先写好50词的内容,再写100词。到最后,事往往就这样成了。我鼓励渐进,而不是跃进—从大一英语考试每次一百字左右的短文,通过练习,逐步达到写400字左右立论清楚、论证连贯较有说服力短文的水平。若是滥竽充数,爆炒到四五百词—你自己看得懂吗?基础扎实吗?

  关于上述建议,推荐拓展阅读材料是:文写作指导经典小书“the elements of style”,尤其是书中的“principle 10+principle 11”。


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