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  例. (PowerPrep II Section 4 Q4)

  That the President manages the economyis an assumption(i) ______the prevailing wisdom thatdominates electoral politicsin the United States. As a result, presidential electionshave become rerenda on the business cycle, whose fortuitous turnings are (ii) ______the President. Presidents are properly accountable for their executive and legislative performance, and certainly their actions may have profoundfects on the economy. Butthese fects are (iii) ______.Unfortunately, modern political campaigns are fought on the untenablepremisethat Presidents can deliberately produce precise economic results.

  BLANK (i) BLANK (ii) BLANK (iii)

  (A) peripheral to (D) justifiably personified in (G) usually long – lasting

  (B) central to (E) erroneously attributed to (H) regrettably unnoticeable

  (C) at odds with (F) occasionally associated with (I) largely unpredictable


  (一) 选取第二空所在部分:

  … presidential elections have become rerendaon the business cycle, whose fortuitous turningsare (ii) ______the President.

  1. 因为总统大选已经成为了对于经济运行的rerenda即“晴雨表”,那么总统选举就是人们对于总统是否有效控制经济运行的一次表决,因而如果经济状况不好,人们就会归咎于总统无能,故而不投票选总统。

  2. 选择与自主判读已知的词汇填空:

  [1]. erroneously attributed to:错误地归因于

  [2]. occasionally associated with:偶尔一致的

  [3]. usually long-lasting:通常来说持久的

  (二) 选取第一个空格所在部分:That the President manages the economyis an assumption(i) ______the prevailing wisdom thatdominates electoral politicsin the United States. As a result, presidential electionshave become rerenda on the business cycle,

  1. As a result表示对上一句话的同义,前后两句话意思一致,故可以依据后面一句话推出前面一句话的意思。

  2. 因为人们已经将总统大选变成了经济周期的晴雨表,那么他们应该认为总统对于经济运行有责任,故而在竞选政治中这种思想是一种主流思想。

  3. 选择与自主判读已知的词汇填空:

  [1]. peripheral to:在……周边

  [2]. central to:居于……的中心

  [3]. at odds with:与……争吵、不和

  (三) 选取第三个空格所在部分:… their actions may have profoundfects on the economy. Butthese fects are (iii) ______.Unfortunately, modern political campaigns are fought on the untenablepremisethatPresidents can deliberately produce preciseeconomic results.

  1. Blank3中应该填入一个形容词,用来描述fects的实际属性

  2. 由于but对于上文取反,而unfortunately对于整个文章的基调进行取反。

  3. 看前一句,说fect是may be profound的,后面则取反应该选取profound的反义词。

  4. 看后一句,该句对于整个文章取反以后,原先认为总统能够影响经济运行的观点应该是不正确的,而这句话中的premise被称为是untenable,是一个负态度,故而实际上,其前面一句中的效果应该是负态度的,即总统不能控制经济运行。

  5. 选择与自主判读已知的词汇填空:

  [1]. usually long-lasting:通常来说持久的

  [2]. regrettably unnoticeable:遗憾地没有被发现的(面大,且不符合行文思路,文章在说总统不能控制经济发展,而不是说总统对经济发展的影响大小,要与文章stylistically coherent,故错误)

  [3]. largely unpredictable:很大程度上不可以预测的

  (四) 其他需要注意的词语:

  1. rerenda:(rerendum的复数形式,公投)the principle or practice of submitting to popular vote a measure passed on or proposed by a legislative body or by popular initiative

  2. fortuitous:(偶然的)occurring by chance

  (五) 理解句意,看是否逻辑与语义契合:








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