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1. When an oppressed group revolts against a
society, one must look for the ---- forces
that led to the group’s ---- that society.
(A) disparate .. acknowledgment of
(B) specific .. dependence on
(C) altered .. redistribution within
(D) focused .. interference with
(E) underlying .. alienation from
2. Every novel invites us to enter a world that is
initially strange; our gradual and selective orientation
to its manners---- infants’ ---- to
their environment.
(A) imitates.. welcome
(B) completes .. introduction
(C) resembles .. adjustment
(D) alters .. blindness
(E) reinforces .. resistance
3. Superficial differences between the special
problems and techniques of the physical sciences
and those of the biological sciences are sometimes
cited as evidence for the ---- of biology
and for the claim that the methods of physics
are therore not adequate to biological inquiry.
(A) autonomy
(B) vitalism
(C) purposiveness
(D) obsolescence
(E) irrelevance
4. As the creation of new knowledge through
science has become ---- resistance to innovation
has become less ---- taking the form of
inertia rather than direct attack.
(A) controversial .. sporadic
(B) institutionalized .. aggressive
(C) essential .. fective
(D) public .. circumspect
(E) suspect .. lively
5. Lizzie was a brave woman who could dare to
incur a great danger for an adequate ----.
(A) risk
(B) combat
(C) object
(D) event
(E) encounter
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲