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  例4. (PowerPrep II Section 2 Q6)

  The question of (i) ______in photography has lately become nontrivial. Prices for vintage prints (those make by a photographer soon after he or she made the negative) sodrastically (ii) ______in the 1990s thatone of these photographs might fetch a hundred times as much asa nonvintage print of the same image. It was perhaps only a matter of time bore someone took advantage of the (iii) ______to peddle newly created “vintage” printsfor profit.

  BLANK (i) BLANK (ii) BLANK (iii)

  (A) forgery (D) ballooned (G) discrepancy

  (B) influence (E) weakened (H) ambiguity

  (C) style (F) varied (I) duplicity


  (一) 节选出第二空所在部分

  1. Prices for vintage prints sodrastically (ii) ______in the 1990sthatone of these photographs might fetch a hundred timesas much as a nonvintage print of the same image.

  2. Blank2中应填入一个动词,表示VP的价格在1990年代的变动,由于没有反义关联元素,且只有so… that… 结构存在,故分句之间是同一关系,且没有否定词,因此对应的单词之间是同义关系。

  3. 前半句说到价格的增长,that引导的后半句中对于价格增长的描述只有fetch a hundred times,因而VP的价格在1990年代的10年间较NonVP来说增长了上百倍,因此这应该是一种短时间且迅速的增长。

  4. 选择与自主判读已知的词汇填空:

  [1]. ballooned:(迅速扩大)to swell or puff out : EXPAND

  [2]. weakened:(削弱)to make weak : lessen the strength of

  [3]. varied:(变化)DEVIATE, DEPART

  (二) 选取第三空所在部分

  It was perhaps only a matter of time bore someone took advantage of the (iii) ______to peddle newly created “vintage” printsfor profit.

  1. Blank3中应该填入一个名词或名词性结构,作为人们获利的依据。

  2. 能够获利的根本在与成本与销售价格之间的价格差,因而人们所利用的是上百倍的差价,所以在blank3中填入“差距”一词的同义词。

  3. 选择与自主判读已知的词汇填空:

  [1]. discrepancy:(差异)the quality or state of being at variance

  [2]. ambiguity:(歧义)the quality or state of being ambiguous especially in meaning

  [3]. duplicity:(表里不一)the quality or state of being double or twofold

  (三) 完成整个句子

  1. The question of (i) ______in photography has lately become nontrivial. … It was perhaps only a matter of time bore someonetook advantage of the (iii) ______to peddle newly created “vintage” printsfor profit.

  2. 最后一句话中说到了”vintage” prints,加上引号以后表示反语,所以这中VP不是真实的,而是”created” ones,因此说,摄影界面临的问题是造假成风。

  3. 选择与自主判读已知的词汇填空:

  [1]. forgery:(作假)an act of forging; especially : the crime of falsely and fraudulently making or altering a document

  [2]. influence:(影响)the power or capacity of causing an fect in indirect or intangible ways : SWAY

  [3]. style:(风格)a distinctive manner of expression

  (四) 理解句意,看是否逻辑与语义契合:

  摄影界造假的问题在最近变得越来越严重了,Vintage Prints——指那些在摄影师在制作负片之后产生的相片——的价格在上世纪90年代暴涨,有时候某些摄影师会为一个Vintage Print要价超过非Vintage Print的百倍以上。在这种巨额差价存在的情况下,有人会为了这些利润而四处兜售自己新创造的“Vintage Print”的事情的出现仅仅是个时间问题。

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