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  21 The execution of a lawfully condemned killer is no more an act of murder than is legal imprisonment an act of kidnapping.

  典型句式:A is no more B than C is D:倒装句

  句子主干:The execution of a killer is no more an act of murder.


  22 One does not have to like the death penalty in order to support it any more than one must like radical surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy in order to find necessary these attempts at curing cancer.

  典型句式:not A more than B.

  句子主干: One does not have to like the death penalty.


  23 His new comedy, The Other Guys, gives Will Ferrel a measure of maturity that’s no less weird—or funny.


  句子主干:His new comedy gives Will Ferrel maturity.

  翻译:他的新喜剧,the Other Guys, 给予WF 些许怪异或有趣的成熟特征。

  24 There is no official record of how many times the sign “NO JEWS OR DOGS ALLOWED” was posted in Canada during the ‘30s and ‘40s, but historian Irving Abella asserts that it was spotted at Ontario, the lake country of Manitoba and the vacation lands of British Columbia, a popular alternative, hardly less pointed, read: “FOR CHRISTIANS ONLY.”

  典型句式: hardly less adj 几乎同样如何

  句子主干: There is no official record of how many times the sign “NO JEWS OR DOGS ALLOWED” was posted, but Irving Abella asserts that it was spotted an alternative “FOR CHRISTIANS ONLY.”.

  翻译:并没有官方的纪录表明该标语,“犹太人与狗不能入内”在30-40年代的加拿大出现了多少次,但历史学家I A 声称,在安大略,在湖区的M,以及 BC的度假区发现过一个流行的类似的标语,几乎同样刺耳,读作“只允许基督徒”。

  25 Salikoko Mufwene, who chairs the Linguistics department at the University of Chicago, argues that the deadliest weapon is not government policy but economic globalization.

  典型句式:not A but B 结构。

  句子主干:SM argues that 宾语从句。

  翻译:S M,芝加哥大学语言学系的主任,认为,杀伤力最强的武器不是政府政策,而是经济全球化。


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