


2017/08/10 00:00:56 编辑: 浏览次数:88 移动端


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  (PowerPrep II Section 4 Q6)(AEH)

  To the untutored eye the tightly forested Ardennes hills around Sedan look quite (i)______, (ii) ______ place through which to advance a modern army; even with today’s more numerous and better roads and bridges, the woods and the river Meuse form a significant (iii) ______.

  BLANK (i) BLANK (ii) BLANK (iii)

  (A) impenetrable (D) a makeshift (G) resource

  (B) inconsiderable (E) an unpropitious (H) impediment

  (C) uncultivated (F) an unremarkable (I) passage


  (一) 选取第一、二个空格所在部分:

  … the tightly forested Ardennes hills around Sedan look quite (i) ______, (ii) ______place through which to advance a modern army …

  1. 在第一句话中没有表示反义的关联元素,也没有否定词,故相关词语之间应当表达同一个含义。

  2. Blank1 中应该填入一个形容词,是对于 Ardennes hills around Sedan 的一项属性的描述,而 Ardennes hills around Sedan 的特点是 tightly forested,而后面说的是关于让军队通过的问题,故茂密的森林对于军队通过是一项不利的影响,因为林木阻挡了通路。

  3. 前半句说树木茂密,后面应该是树木茂密的结果,即军队难以通过。

  4. Blank2 中应该填入一个形容词,描述阿登森里对于通过现代化军队的难易程度。

  5. 选择与自主判读一致的词汇填空:

  [1]. impenetrable:(不可穿越的)incapable of being penetrated or pierced

  [2]. inconsiderable:(琐碎的)not considerable : TRIVIAL

  [3]. uncultivated:(荒芜的)not to prepare or not prepare and use for the raising of crops

  [4]. makeshift:(临时的)a usually crude and temporary expedient : SUBSTITUTE

  [5]. unpropitious:(不方便的)not favorably disposed : BENEVOLENT

  [6]. unremarkable:(平凡的)not worthy of being or likely to be noticed especially as being uncommon or extraordinary

  (二) 完成整个题目:

  To the untutored eye the tightly forested Ardennes hills around Sedan look quite(i) impenetrable, (ii) unpropitious place through which to advance a modern army;

  even with today’s more numerous and better roads and bridges, the woods and the river Meuse form a significant (iii) ______.

  1. 分号表示两句之间是并列复指关系,前后两句话是同义关系,故在后半句也说的是阿登森林难以逾越的问题。

  2. 而 even 所在句子为插入语,不影响句意,故后文中还是要表示与前文一致的意思,即“难以通过”。

  3. 选择与自主判读一致的词汇填空:

  [1]. resource:(资源)a source of supply or support : an available means ? usually used in plural

  [2]. impediment:(障碍物)something that impedes

  [3]. passage:(通路)a way of exit or entrance

  (三) 理解句意,看是否逻辑与语义契合:

  对于外行人来说,色当附近被阿登森林茂密的植被所覆盖的山丘看起来是现代化军队无法穿越的;即便是在现在有了更多更好的道桥支持的条件下,那些树林与 Meuse 河也是一项难以逾越的障碍。


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