


2017/08/09 23:05:47 编辑: 浏览次数:91 移动端


  An investigation that is _______ canoccasionally yield new facts, even notable ones, but typically the appearance of such facts is theresult of a search in a dinite direction.   (A) timely   (B) unguided   (C) consistent   (D) uncomplicated   (E) subjective   KEY:B   1.关键字:“but”   2.空中应该填入一个形容词,是对于“an investigation”的一种形容;   3.后半句中有but出现,应该是与前半句表达相反的意思,而后半句中的“a search”是前半句中的“an investigation”的同义替换,因此空中应该填入一个与在后半句中形容search相反的词语,即“not in a dinite direction”。   4.词语解释   [1].(A) timely:(及时的)appropriate or adapted tothe times or the occasion   [2].(B) unguided:(没有导向的)not to direct, supervise, or influence usually to aparticular end   [3].(C) consistent:(一致的)marked by harmony,regularity, or steady continuity   [4].(D) uncomplicated:(不复杂的)not difficult to analyze,understand, or explain   [5].(E) subjective:(主要的)of or relating to theessential being of that which has substance, qualities, attributes, orrelations   新gre填空更加注重实际运用语言能力的考察,减少了对单词纯意义的考察,所以备考新gre填空考试的考生可以根据以上gre官方指南对三空题型的解析进行备考。   以上就是新GRE填空套题以及GRE填空例题详解的每一练习,千里之行始于足下,想要取得理想的新GRE填空成绩,需要我们大量的做题,复习练习巩固。希望考生们在每日的做题中,锻炼自己的能力,取得理想的GRE考试成绩。
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