


2017/08/09 23:05:43 编辑: 浏览次数:70 移动端


  Kaganmaintains that an infant’s reactions to its first stressful experiences arepart of a naturalprocess of development, notharbingers ofchildhood unhappiness or______ signsofadolescent anxiety.   (A) prophetic   (B) normal   (C) monotonous   (D) virtual   (E) typical   KEY:A   1.关键字:“A … not B or C”模式(“三空格”模式的变体)   2.“A … not B or C”模式,其中“B or C”是同一个事物,与A相反。   3.空中应该填入一个形容词,是对于sign的描述,其应该与harbinger是同义关系,与natural process是反义关系。   4.词语解释   [1].(A) prophetic:(预兆的)foretelling events : PREDICTIVE   [2].(B) normal:(普通的)conforming to a type,standard, or regular pattern   [3].(C) monotonous:(单一音调的)uttered or sounded in oneunvarying tone   [4].(D) virtual:(虚拟的)of, relating to, or being ahypothetical particle whose existence is inferred from indirect evidence   [5].(E) typical:(典型的)constituting or having thenature of a type   以上就是新GRE填空套题以及GRE填空例题详解的每一练习,千里之行始于足下,想要取得理想的新GRE填空成绩,需要我们大量的做题,复习练习巩固。希望考生们在每日的做题中,锻炼自己的能力,取得理想的GRE考试成绩。
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