


2017/08/09 21:10:28 编辑: 浏览次数:182 移动端


  1. His colorful lifestyle aside, Bob Dylan's reputation as a _____ artist stems from the vast number of songs he produced during the 1960s and 1970s.

  A. humble

  B. flamboyant

  C. competent

  D. wealthy

  E. prolific



  humble 卑微的;flamboyant华丽的;competent主管;wealthy富有的;prolific多产的

  2. After screenwriter Neil Jordan's most recent work opened in selected urban areas, many theatergoers were (i) _____ , but after pundits expressed their (ii) _____ , acceptance of the film's unique structure increased and demand for a wider release surged.

  Blank(i) Blank(ii)

  A. skeptical D. diffidence

  B. erratic E. approbation

  C. ebullient F. trepidation



  3. Many policy makers insist that consumer spending is a strong economic (i) _____ and, therore, (ii) _____ of retail stores is a contributing factor to low-performing economies. To improve economic conditions in Lakewood, Colorado, the city has begun charging residents a public improvement fee, on top of normal sales tax, which will (iii) _____ tax breaks offered to major retailers to attract their business.

  Blank(i) Blank(ii) Blank(iii)

  A. stratagem D. a paucity G. indemnify

  B. catalyst E. a respite H. liquidate

  C. axiom F. an apex I. underwrite



  4. The _____ nature of the commencement speech did not sit well with the restless group of recent graduates.

  A. protracted

  B. concise

  C. verbose

  D. vigorous

  E. contrite

  F. premeditated



  A protracted拖延;绘制 B concise简明的,简洁的 C verbose冗长的;啰嗦的

  D vigorous有力的;精力充沛的 E contrite悔悟了的;后悔的 F premeditated预谋的;预先考虑的

  5. It was clear after the incident that, while she may have answered truthfully in the strictest sense of the word, Sheryl was actually trying to _____ Sergei.

  A. enlighten

  B. delude

  C. illuminate

  D. covet

  E. gull

  F. implicate



  A enlighten启发,启蒙B delude欺骗;哄骗C illuminate阐明,说明

  D covet垂涎;觊觎E gull骗;欺诈F 统计纠正错误

  6. Ancient generals, lacking modern technologies such as radio and satellite communication, often found that one of the most significant challenges in warfare was to be accurately _____ the many changes on the battlield or in the campaign.

  A. fortified by

  B. adulterated by

  C. cognizant of

  D. apprised of

  E. parodied by

  F. chary of



  A fortified by加强的B adulterated by掺假的C cognizant of已认识到

  D apprised of获悉E parodied by拙劣模仿F chary of谨慎的;仔细的


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