

GRE Issue高频提纲——政治类(二).

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  105."The true strength of a country is best demonstrated by the willingness of its government to tolerate challenges from its own citizens."

  142."The well-being of a society is enhanced when many of its people question authority."


  a) 科学上,对权威的质疑有利于新理论,新发现的产生哥白尼,日心说。魏格纳质疑原有理论提出板块漂移。

  b) 在社会领域,适度的质疑揭露社会问题并且让人们团结起来去改变现状从而使社会进步。比如质疑men dominance的women right运动,推动了Equal Pay Act,19th宪法修正案保护妇女right to vote,等妇女权利保护的立法,提高了妇女地位,是社会的进步。

  c) 恶意的,非法的质疑会扰乱社会秩序,骚乱,恐怖主义

  d) 公众的质疑有利于社会的进步,但这种质疑不能超越法律的界限。

  8. "It is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public."

  a) It is always impossible for the political leaders to reveal everything to the public, especially some the information which can affect the national security. Different nations are competing and even antagonistic. Revealing some information could has no help for the solution but poses negative impact on the stability of a country. Unidentified illness

  b) Withholding information should not be the excuse for political leaders to abuse their power. Withholding information at their will could provide the chance of corruption,

  c) 在不威胁国家安全,社会稳定情况下,政府行为应该尽可能透明,接受监督。

  167."It is impossible for an fective political leader to tell the truth all the time. Complete honesty is not a usul virtue for a politician."

  1. 诚实坦白对每个人来说都是美德。对于政治家,能够树立良好的公众形象,赢得公民的赞赏和支持。例如Lincoln家里很贫寒,他在竞选的时候丝毫没有掩饰自己的贫穷,赢得了下层阶级people from low class的支持;

  2. 为了保证国家的利益和安全,也应当说谎。如:使民众安心。不能complete forthright

  3. 但就长远来说,A 正直的人品才能真正获得民众的支持和信任如:Gandhi, Martin Luther King B政治家们过分的欺骗民众会导致人民不相信政府并导致不满,并最终导致灾难性的后果。

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