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前段时间为gre考生汇总了gre issue写作提纲思路和分析,希望对考生在攻破gre issue写作上有所帮助。接下来的几天我们将为gre考生整理gre argument部分的提纲内容。希望通过我们的整理和汇总,让gre考生真正能掌握gre写作的精髓。
gre argument 218题目:
The following appeared in a memorandum from the president of Hyper-Go Toy Company.
"Last year(1), sales of our Fierce Fighter toy airplane declined sharply(2), even though the toy had been a top seller for three years. Our customer surveys(3) show that parents are now more worried about youthful violence(4) and are concerned about better education for their children. Therore, to maintain profits we should discontinue all our action toys(5) and focus exclusively on a new line of educational toys(6,7). Several other toy companies have already begun marketing educational toys and report sales increases(8) last year of 200 percent(9,10). And since the average family income is growing, sales of new Hyper-Go toys should also increase(11,12)."
(1)The president fails to illustrate that the decline in the sales of Fierce Fighter last year was not an aberration and will continue in the following years.
(2)The president fails to analyze the profit generated by Fierce Fighter, the profit might still increase although its sales declined.
(3)The results of Hyper-Go&aposs customer survey are not necessarily representative of the overall population of toy-buying parents.
(4)The president fails to demonstrate that Fierce Fighter has anything to do with youthful violence.
(5)Granted that Fierce Fighter is losing its popularity, we cannot hastily conclude that all action toys should be discontinued.
(6)No sufficient evidence is provided to show why we should focus exclusively on educational toys.
(7)The president fails to consider the cost of introducing a new line of educational toys and their profitability.
(8)The president unfairly attributes the sales increases of those companies to their marketing of educational toys.
(9)The fact that other companies enjoyed sales increases through marketing educational toys does not guarantee that Hyper-Go would also experience such increase by taking the same actions.
(10)The fact that other companies enjoyed sales increases through marketing educational toys may just indicate that Hyper-Go might encounter severe competition when marketing their toys.
(11)The president unfairly assumes that growing family income will necessarily lead to sales increase of toys.
(12)The president unfairly assumes that parents who buy toys will automatically choose Hyper-Go products.
无论是gre issue还是gre argument,考生都应该养成写提纲的习惯。这种提纲式的gre写作练习可以帮助考生锻炼写作的逻辑性,而gre写作高分最重要的得分依据就是作文的逻辑性要强。
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