

gre argument241提纲分析汇总.

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  前段时间为gre考生汇总了gre issue写作提纲思路和分析,希望对考生在攻破gre issue写作上有所帮助。接下来的几天我们将为gre考生整理gre argument部分的提纲内容。希望通过我们的整理和汇总,让gre考生真正能掌握gre写作的精髓。



  gre argument 241题目:

  The following appeared in a memo at the XYZ company.

  "When XYZ lays off employees, it pays Delany Personnel Firm to offer those employees assistance in creating resumés and developing interviewing skills, if they so desire. Laid-off employees have benited greatly from Delany&aposs services: last year those who used Delany found jobs much more quickly than did those who did not (1). Recently, it has been proposed that we use the less-expensive Walsh Personnel Firm in place of Delany. This would be a mistake because eight years ago, when XYZ was using Walsh, only half of the workers we laid off at that time found jobs within a year (2, 3, 4, and 5). Moreover, Delany is clearly superior, as evidenced by its bigger staff (7) and larger number of branch offices (6). After all, last year (10) Delany&aposs clients took an average of six months to find jobs, whereas Walsh&aposs clients took nine (8, 9)."


  (1)The author unfairly attributes the successful employment result of the laid-off employees who used Delany to Delany’s assistance.

  (2)The fact that only half of the laid-off workers found jobs within a year may not result from infectiveness of Walsh.

  (3)Many factors could explain the differences between the employment results of using each company.

  (4)Without any comparative data, we cannot determine if the employment result of workers who use Walsh eight years ago are poor.

  (5)Many conditions would have changed during the past eight years.

  (6)The size of staff and number of branch offices do not necessarily indicate the quality and fectiveness of a company’s service.

  (7)A bigger staff may just indicate that the ficiency at Delany is lower.

  (8)There is no significant difference between finding job within six months and within nine months.

  (9)Without detailed description of jobs found by Delany’s clients and Walsh’s clients respectively, and without more information about their clients, we cannot evaluate which company is more fective.

  (10)A single year&aposs placement statistics hardly suffices to draw any firm conclusions.


  无论是gre issue还是gre argument,考生都应该养成写提纲的习惯。这种提纲式的gre写作练习可以帮助考生锻炼写作的逻辑性,而gre写作高分最重要的得分依据就是作文的逻辑性要强。

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